One year of academic education takes place in one of the most advanced distance learning platforms worldwide, at the University of Strasbourg, CEIPI. It is comprised of eight University Certificates on IP-Management, where 4 courses are compulsory and 4 courses can be taken from a list of 7 electives. One of those electives needs to be a course provided by the program’s cooperation partner EPO. The degree can be acquired in two semesters, alongside work under continuous supervision and accompaniment. The lecture time of a certificate course corresponds to 15-25 hours for each individual module. In addition to the lecture movies, participants will also receive self-study material, tutorials, collaborative exchange, feedback and a continuous monitoring of their learning progress. The content and learning targets of all certified university courses is shown below.

1st Semester (compulsory courses)

2nd Semester (elective courses)

Hard Facts

Language English
Fee per Diploma 6 900 Euro
Registration deadline 08.09.2024
Duration 1 year
Prerequisite Bachelor’s degree
Target group
IP practitioners in companies and law firms, innovation experts and digital experts
Degree University Diploma of the University Strasbourg, CEIPI

New registrations are possible until September 2024

Any questions? Contact us!
