Community support of the CEIPI IP Business Academy
What does community support mean?
The IP Business Academy was founded in 2019 with the vision to be a platform for IP knowledge and to have a positive impact on global innovation systems. It originated from the IP Management education of the nternational Center for Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), which is the central research center for IP in Europe. The knowledge from the university practice at CEIPI with its lecturers and graduates, as well as from international external experts, is bundled here and organized for company needs. As experts, our students have the opportunity to spread their knowledge and become part of the platform. As a platform the IP Business Academy sees itself as a mediator between IP experts and knowledge brokers on the one hand and companies and national IP and Innovation hubs. Our mission is giving access to IP management knowledge worldwide and improving the economic use and benefit of IP through innovation and progress.

Prof. Dr. Alexander J. Wurzer
Director of Research Programs

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Haedicke
Head of Advisory Board

Tobias Denk
Program Coordinator
Here you find examples of our support schemes.
- Alumni portrait
- Interviews
- Speaker
- Mentor portrait
- Blog Posts on IP Business Academy
- LinkedIn Feed
- Master Thesis
- Job Offer
- I3PM – International Institute for IP Management
- Social Gateway – Your SoMe Agency for IP Experts
Alumni Portrait: Catalina Olivos on IP strategy applied in practice
Our graduates from the various programs of the IP Business Academy come from all over the world and are changing the innovation systems there. They work in their areas and we are happy to report on them. We want to give suggestions and inspiration on how IP management positively influences people’s reality. How IP Management improves innovation and prosperity and thus makes personal stories and careers possible is our topic for all members of the IP Business Academy community.
Career Portrait on the blog
Alumna Portrait: Catalina Olivos on IP strategy applied in practice
Energysquare – INPI award 2021
Alumni Portrait: Erica Smith
Our graduates from the various programs of the IP Business Academy come from all over the world and are changing the innovation systems there. They work in their areas and we are happy to report on them. We want to give suggestions and inspiration on how IP management positively influences people’s reality. How IP Management improves innovation and prosperity and thus makes personal stories and careers possible is our topic for all members of the IP Business Academy community.
Thesis project: Caribbean Rum Industry
IP-based brand management for Caribbean Rum: New research project at MIPLM
Interview with Mr. Korbinian Kopf about continuous education and training in IP management using digital resources
Interview with Mr. Korbinian Kopf about continuous education and training in IP management using digital resources
Interview with Dr. Jürgen Eiselt about the suitability of a digital learning platform for imparting know-how on IP management
The IP Business Academy supports national and regional innovation systems worldwide with speakers on the latest topics in IP management. We are happy to integrate the content of our speakers into our expert and learning platform and give the expertise global visibility via our institutional partners and the IP Business Academy community.
Protection of Digital Business Models, Dr. Frederic Golks, LL.M., Robert Bosch GmbH
Mentor Portrait
The IP Business Academy’s mentoring program represents the industry on our information and training platform. The mentoring program is the embedding of projects and activities of the graduate school in business practice. It aims to anchor the Research Training Group in industrial issues in order to achieve a close link between theory and practice. The mentors are experienced representatives of innovation and IP management and are the contact for the doctoral students for technical and professional questions. They have a recommendatory function when it comes to questions relating to the content of research and further training projects. The mentoring program gives the mentees access to a personally committed network of decision-makers in order to promote professional orientation, reflection and professional development for management tasks. Our mentors are happy to network and support the members of the IP Business Academy.
Presentation at the Colloquium on digital patents at FESTO 2019
Blog posts on IP Business Academy
The IP Business Academy blog reports on current developments in global IP management, explains the background and shows connections, and presents relevant services and tools that make the work of IP managers easier and better. The blog is read, shared and recommended by many thousands of community members every week.
LinkedIn Feed
Our LinkedIn community is constantly growing worldwide. We reach tens of thousands of members of the IP management community every day. The IP Business Academy’s LinkedIn feed reports daily on current developments in IP management, and our ambassadors and influencers help the post to gain visibility and interaction. We support our members in their expert marketing. We give our members reach, visibility and impact.
LinkedIn Live Talk
Master Thesis
IP Business Academy supports and conducts research on all aspects of IP management. This includes in particular the master’s theses from our master’s program MIPLM (Master for Intellectual Property Law and Management). With the topics of the master’s theses, we continue to shape IP management and show ways to master the challenges. Master’s theses also help our master’s students to position themselves as IP management experts and to gain visibility for their expertise. Outstanding master’s theses are a basis for the opportunity to start a doctorate in our graduate school.
Job Offer
Our mission is to offer a career network and our task is to support the members of our community on their individual career path in all professional areas and facets of IP management. We also help with the publication of job advertisements. Regardless of whether a company, law firm or institution is looking for an IP management expert or whether you would like to find out about job offers. We help to bring more transparency to the job market for IP management experts.
I3PM – International Institute for IP Management
The International Institute for IP Management is the worldwide association for all professional experts in IP management. I3PM improves the knowledge and practice of IP management in all its facets and is a career network for its members and supports them with projects and challenges. The I3PM committees develop the content for the further development of IP management, it is the quality assurance body for the IP Business Academy training and it operates its own learning management system for its members to enable quality in IP management for industrial companies, institutions and law firms. I3PM invites you to become a member to actively shape the future of IP management.
Social gateway – SoMe agency for IP Experts
IPBA Social Gateway is the partner for experts and law firms in the intellectual property business for expert marketing on social media. Social Gateway makes IP experts visible, distinguishable – recognizable. The agency helps with all questions of social media presence, positioning and marketing. As a unique agency for IP experts, all channels, partners and formats of the IP Business Academy.