Supervision Agreement

Upon admission to the Diesel Medal Postgraduate Program, candidates and their supervisors will sign a Supervision Agreement. This agreement sets out the tasks and responsibilities of candidates and supervisors alike. The Supervision Agreement is an agreement on objectives which can be adapted in the course of the doctorate but must fullfil the following minimum requirements:

  • Outline the research area/topic and include the above-mentioned quality-related aspects, especially the link to industry practice;
  • Include a time schedule and project plan for the doctorate as well as a description of milestones along the project cycle;
  • Contain an estimate of the material, financial and human resources required as well as a plan for assuring their availability;
  • Include estimates to ensure the provision of sufficient time for the dissertation and any necessary training measures;
  • Define any doctoral support needed.
  • An agreement on the submission of a regular progress reports by the doctoral student as well as contributions within the scope of a doctoral colloquium must also be included.
  • Finally, the supervision agreement must include an agreement on the involvement of the doctoral candidate in teaching (e.g. supervision of Master’s theses) an on further training related to personal development and the acquisition of key competencies.


