Excerpt from the curriculum (academic year 2022/2023):

Key Learning Targets:

  • Understanding the disruptive power of the digital transformation
  • Understanding the logic and construction of digital business models, platforms and eco-systems
  • Understanding the role of IP within digital business models, customer journeys and value-added architecture
  • Understanding the application of digital patents to protect digital business models
  • Understanding the taxonomy of digital invention principles and claim structures of digital patents


  • Part 1: Dynamics of digital transformation
    • Chapter 1: Evolution of the knowledge and service economy
    • Chapter 2: Technologies of the digital transformation
    • Chapter 3: The three diving forces: Moore’s, Nielsen’s and Metclafe’s Law
    • Chapter 4: Network economy
    • Chapter 5: Digital product development
    • Summary Video Part 1
  • Part 2: Digital business models
    • Chapter 1: How digital transformation is changing business models
    • Chapter 2: Digital business vs. e-business
    • Chapter 3: Elements of digital business models
    • Chapter 4: Types of business models for digital disruption

    • Chapter 5: Customer Experience
    • Summary Video Part 2
  • Part 3: Digital Eco-Systems
    • Chapter 1: Definition and constituents of digital business eco-systems
    • Chapter 2: Digital platforms
    • Chapter 3: Digital value chains
    • Chapter 4: Curation and governance of platforms
    • Chapter 5: Competition and eco-systems
    • Summary Video Part 3

  • Part 4: Evolution of digital transformation in industries
    • Chapter 1: From machines to eco-systems
    • Chapter 2: From features to customer benefit
    • Chapter 3: From products to services
    • Chapter 4: From niche player to orchestrator
    • Chapter 5: From transactions to relationships
    • Summary Video Part 4

  • Part 5: Developing IP strategies for digital business models
    • Chapter 1: Role of IP in the digital transformation
    • Chapter 2: 360° IP strategy for digital business models
    • Chapter 3: IP function deployment
    • Chapter 4: IP along customer journeys
    • Chapter 5: IP in value adding architectures
    • Summary Video Part 5
  • Part 6: IP design for generating protected business models
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to IP design
    • Chapter 2: IP design to create synthetic inventions
    • Chapter 3: From technologies to business models
    • Chapter 4: Digital patent impacts in business models

    • Chapter 5: Taxonomy of inventing principles for digital patents
    • Chapter 6: IP design process
    • Summary Video Part 6