Excerpt from the curriculum (academic year 2024/2025):

Key Learning Targets:

  • Understanding the role of IP in various applications of digital technologies
  • Understanding the role of IP for data and digital media
  • Understanding the role of IP in digitalization projects


  • Part 1: Intellectual Property Rights in Europe
    • Chapter 1: Multimedia trademarks, digital goods, and trademark protection in the digital era
    • Chapter 2: Digital brands and digital brand experience
    • Chapter 3: Digital and industrial design protection and graphical user interface (GUI) protection
    • Chapter 4: Copyrights and their relation to software, graphical design, and Open Source
    • Chapter 5: Patenting of digital technologies and software patents
    • Chapter 6: Patenting of data structures, data formats, and user interfaces
  • Part 2: Data and Media
    • Chapter 1: Software development: Project management, business model integration, APIs and the cloud
    • Chapter 2: Software development and patentability
    • Chapter 3: A hybrid model for managing IP & Data
    • Chapter 4: Data architecture and case studies
    • Chapter 5: Computer science: machine learning, software engineering, and distributed systems
    • Chapter 6: Computer science and patentability
  • Part 3: Robotics
    • Chapter 1: Cognitive systems
    • Chapter 2: Human machine interfaces
    • Chapter 3: Bio-inspired robotic and bionic
    • Chapter 4: Application areas
    • Chapter 5: Opportunities and challenges
    • Chapter 6: Robotics and patentability
  • Part 4: Virtual, augmented and expanded reality
    • Chapter 1: Introduction VR-AR-MR-XR
    • Chapter 2: Real-time and multi-mode technologies
    • Chapter 3: Maximising Immersion and Metaverses
    • Chapter 4: Application in digital product development and digital mock-ups
    • Chapter 5: Application in architecture and interior design
    • Chapter 6: IP rights in digital worlds
  • Part 5: 3D printing and additive manufacturing
    • Chapter 1: Differences between traditional and additive manufacturing
    • Chapter 2: The technological basis of additive manufacturing
    • Chapter 3: The modelling aspect of 3D printable models
    • Chapter 4: Patents and 3D printing:
      materials, processes and applications
    • Chapter 5: Applications and patenting
    • Chapter 6: IP challenges for additive manufacturing
  • Part 6: Artificial intelligence
    • Chapter 1: History and introduction in the basic concepts of AI
    • Chapter 2: Generative Artificial Intelligence
    • Chapter 3: The role of AI in industry 4.0 applications
    • Chapter 4: AI and inventorship
    • Chapter 5: AI, data science and copyright
    • Chapter 6: AI and patentability
  • Part 7: Cyber physical systems
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems
    • Chapter 2: Emerging Legal and Regulatory Landscape (EU)
    • Chapter 3: Emerging Legal and Regulatory Landscape (applied to Smart Grid)
    • Chapter 4: IP Management Implications I – protection strategies
    • Chapter 5: IP Management Implications II – Freedom of Action
    • Chapter 6: Towards a holistic IP Strategy
  • Part 8: Blockchain
    • Chapter 1: Types of blockchain and distributed ledger technology
    • Chapter 2: Blockchain and cryptography
    • Chapter 3: Blockchain in industry 4.0
    • Chapter 4: Opportunities and challenges
    • Chapter 5: Open Source and blockchain patents
    • Chapter 6: Litigation issues regarding blockchain patents
  • Part 9: Application Areas and case studies
    • Chapter 1: Automotive industry
    • Chapter 2: Industry 4.0
    • Chapter 3: Circular economy
    • Chapter 4: Value and procedures of generating technology standards
    • Chapter 5: Value relevant aspects of standard essential patents (SEP)
    • Chapter 6: Determination of FRAND compliant royalty rates
  • Part 10: Digitalization projects
    • Chapter 1: Agile project management and design thinking
    • Chapter 2: The digital user journey
    • Chapter 3: Digital use cases
    • Chapter 4: Digital user experiences (UX)
    • Chapter 5: Digital business models
    • Chapter 6: The digital value chain