Excerpt from the curriculum (academic year 2022/2023):

Key Learning Targets:

  • Understanding the principles of business organization and the ways to optimize organizational structures
  • Understanding the stakeholders and business process landscape of operational IP management
  • Understanding the role of information and IT as a driving force for business process management
  • Understanding the interplay of service providers and IP departments
  • Understanding the concept of quality and the ways to introduce that into IP management


  • Part 1: Process landscape for IP management
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to process management
    • Chapter 2: Process landscapes and process maps
    • Chapter 3: Performance measurement and improvement of processes
  • Part 2: Tasks of IP management in companies
    • Chapter 1: IP management organization
    • Chapter 2: From protecting inventions to optimizing returns of innovation
    • Chapter 3: The IP department as a service provider
    • Chapter 4: Exercise
    • Chapter 5: IP compliance, portfolio management, effectiveness and efficiency

  • Part 3: Institutional economics
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to organization and institutional economics
    • Chapter 2: Economic theories
    • Chapter 3: Introduction to property rights theory
    • Chapter 4: Property rights theory
  • Part 4: Transaction cost theory & agency theory
    • Chapter 1: Transaction cost theory
    • Chapter 2: Agency theory
    • Chapter 3: Institutional economics and organization
  • Part 5: Business Organization
    • Chapter 1: Organization structure
    • Chapter 2: Hierarcy or flat structure?
    • Chapter 3: Functional and divisional structure
  • Part 6: Organization of Innovation
    • Chapter 1: Organizing innovation
    • Chapter 2: Ambidextrous organization
    • Chapter 3: Exercise
  • Part 7: Outsourcing IP Business
    • Chapter 1: Outsourcing IP
    • Chapter 2: Exercise