Live Talk with Mr. Cvetkovic, IP Lawyer

LinkedIn Live

Leadership is becoming an increasingly important topics in IP management due to the complexity of the modern digital world. Also, the introduction of new digital working styles and management techniques like agile project management, which was adopted from software development, makes a new type of leadership a necessity. Therefore, the talk will address the digital ...

Live Talk with Mr. Yang, IP March

LinkedIn Live

After 12 years, the new Chinese Patent Law is about to come into effect and detailed rules are being formulated. This raises important questions which will be addressed in the talk such as, how it can contribute to the increasingly better IP enforcement in China and what is the role of the government in the ...

Live Talk with Dr. Fernandez, GETCooling

LinkedIn Live

The IP business talk revolves around the question, why entrepreneurs should care about IP management. Especially, what is the importance of IP in the early stage phase of ventures? It will also be discussed, what the problems are that entrepreneurs are facing practically regarding IP strategy? This discussion is based on the empirical findings documented ...

Live Talk with Mr. O’Connell, Chawton

LinkedIn Live

This IP business talk revolves around questions of IP risk and IP risk management. Risk is always a tricky issue and this is not different for IP management. Knowing your risks gives you a better position to make strategic decisions compared to complete uncertainty. Therefore, it is vital for each company to assess their IP ...

Live Talk with Ms. Voltolini, Lencify

LinkedIn Live

This IP business talk aims at the questions how to raise awareness of IP in SMEs and how to license out public research. Questions are: Why is it important for SMEs to acquire IP rights especially patents and how to “democratize IP”? How to make decision-makers and inventors at SMEs aware of the value of ...

Live Talk with Dr. Burchard, Elmos

LinkedIn Live

This IP business talk aims at the questions how to improve Quality Management in IP. Questions: Which role will Quality in IP Management play in the future for companies? What is the role of quality audits in IP similar to other company functions? How can it improve IP management? How can the implementation of standards ...

CEIPI IP-Management Series

Teams Online Seminar

The IP-Management series at CEIPI gives insight into the state of discussion to all current topics of IP-Management. It shows the current status of IP-Management with example case studies from the European industry and makes the connection to the established management theories. Every two months, different IP-Management topics are presented and discussed. #Intellectualproperty is becoming increasingly ...

Live Talk with Mr. Zhang, Linda Liu & Partners

LinkedIn Live

China grew through the last decades not only to one of the biggest economies worldwide, but is also with more than 1 billion people one of the biggest markets. This made it very attractive for European Start-ups and SMEs to enter the Chinese market. With this growth also the role of IP became more and ...

Live Talk with Mr. Best, BESTPATENT

LinkedIn Live

The topic of the IP business talk with Bastian Best is his experience of founding a patent law firm and the interesting developments in digital patents. Questions are: - What are the trends and chances in patenting digital and software solutions? - What is important to look for in the development of patent portfolios, when ...

Live Talk with Mr. Pohlmann, IPlytics

LinkedIn Live

Tim Pohlmann is the CEO and founder of IPlytics. He founded IPlytics with the vision to create the first solution on the market to bring together comprehensive, highly indexed technical standard information, global patents, declared standard essential patents (SEPs) as well as patent pool and technical standard contribution data to provide industry leading analysis on ...

Live Talk with Mr. Perkins, EUREKA

LinkedIn Live

David Perkins is Software Patent Expert at EUREKA in Australia. In this IP Business Talk, we will cover the topics of the developments in FinTech and which are typical IP strategies in that area. The brief questions for this talk are as following: 1. What's happening in FinTech and what is the relevance from an ...

Live Talk with Dr. Bettinazzi, IP Lawyer

LinkedIn Live

Dr. Marta Bettinazzi is an Italian IP lawyer with a deep knowledge of the South East Asia IP landscape.The videogame industry is now bigger than movies and sports combined. In this IP Business Talk, we will cover the topics of IP rights in Video Games. Here were the general questions covering the topic: 1. How ...
