Live Talk with Mr. Hurtado, LicenciArte

LinkedIn Live

David Hurtado is the founder and CEO of LicenciArte. He has the goal to create the largest possible patent pool of Latin American scientific inventions to license them to the most innovative companies around the world. In this IP Business Talk, we will cover the topics of IP and innovation transfer from Latin America: How ...

Live Talk with Mr. Seeger, Studio Torta S.p.a.

LinkedIn Live

Dr. Heiko Seeger is a European and Italian Patent and Design Attorney at Studio Torta S.p.a. In this IP Business Talk, we will cover the topics of IP and innovation through a business perspective. 1. What are the different IP rights which can be used in order to protect your innovations and business? 2. How ...

Live Talk with Mr. Palacio, Socio en Palacio & Asociados

LinkedIn Live

Mr. Palacio is the Partner and Head of Patent Department at Socio en Palacio & Asociados in Argentina. He is specialized in Intellectual Property; Trademarks; Copyrights; Litigation; Patents; Utility Models; Unfair Competition; Domain Names; Internet and General Practice. In this IP Business Talk, we will cover the topics of current patent and trademark characteristics in ...

Live Talk with Ms. Gu, Zhong Lun Law

LinkedIn Live

Ping Gu is the Partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm in China. In this IP Business Talk, we will cover the topics of enforcing patents and trade secrets in China with case studies. Here are the questions that will be covered: 1. Why is China so attractive for patent trolls and how to defend against ...

Live Talk with Mr. Paik

LinkedIn Live

Peter K. Paik is a senior foreign attorney at the Kim & Chang law firm in intellectual property, International Trade and Customs, and Environment Practice. The following topics were discussed: 1. Are there important aspects of Korea's trade secret protection system that companies doing business in Korea should know about? 2. How are trade secret ...

Live Talk with Ms. Javadi Farahzadi, IP Specialist

LinkedIn Live

Sanaz Javadi Farahzad is a lecturer at CEIPI as an International Lawyer with experience in International Trade, Intellectual Property, legal advice, policy analysis, and training and project management within the international environment in Europe, Middle East, and Central and South East Asia. In this Live Talk we will discuss IP laws which differ worldwide, and ...

Live Talk with Mr. Gerding-Reimers, IP Specialist

LinkedIn Live

Dr. Claas Gerding-Reimers is an independent IP coach, IP Counsel, Conference Speaker who helps tech business executives and IP specialists grow their business with the right strategy, management, and skills in IP and Patents. Here are the questions that were covered: 1. An invention alone does not make an innovation. To be innovative, you must ...

Live Talk with Mr. Lipp, IP Consultant

LinkedIn Live

Tobias Lipp is a graduate of CEIPI MIPLM and now works as an Independent Intellectual Property, Innovation and Technology Consultant. Here are the questions that were discussed in the talk: 1. Tobias Lipp graduated the 2021 MIPLM with a master thesis about "Organization and Management of IP Infringement Risks for Software and Digital Innovations in ...

Live Talk with Mr. Vasconcelos, INESC

LinkedIn Live

Daniel M. Vasconcelos is the Head of Technology Licensing Office at INESC Technology and Science. Here are the questions that were discussed in the talk: 1. What do University researchers need to know about technology transfer and how can they benefit from it? 2. How can SMEs overcome the not invented here syndrome and include ...

Live Talk with Mr. July, GoodIP

LinkedIn Live

Bastian July is the CEO of the AI-driven IP strategy company GoodIP. Here are the questions discussed in the talk: 1. What are the needs of SMEs to develop an IP Strategy and why is important for SMEs to have access to supporting digital platforms without legalese? 2. What are the available free digital platforms ...

Live Talk with Ms. Pescante, IP Lawyer

LinkedIn Live

Rudina Ann Dulaca Pescante is a graduate of Centre d'Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle - CEIPI MIPLM and now works as a Patent Executive at the Mirandah Asia Singapore. Here are the questions that will be discussed in the talk: 1. Rudina Ann Dulaca Pescante graduated in the MIPLM in 2020/2021 and wrote her ...

CEIPI IP-Management Series

Teams Online Seminar

The IP-Management series at CEIPI gives insight into the state of discussion to all current topics of IP-Management. It shows the current status of IP-Management with example case studies from the European industry and makes the connection to the established management theories. Every two months, different IP-Management topics are presented and discussed. #Intellectualproperty is becoming increasingly ...
