IPBA® – your content platform for IP-Management

IPBA® is a global initiative to make IP management knowledge available to all interested parties according to the quality standards for IP management ISO56005/DIN77006. Rising importance of intellectual property in a knowledge driven economy makes it a key success factor to understand the economic use of intangible assets. Especially the interplay of business needs and the role of IP in innovation to make competitive advantages sustainable are addressed within the content. Among others the risks and possible impacts of IP from third parties towards own business activities are a key learning objective.

Know-how and content for experts around the globe is provided at the IPBA® content portal to make this vision real. The IPBA® is continuously extended and updated according to the current developments and knowledge in IP management. Our content reflects the permanent review process with executives from innovative companies across all industries. In order to consider the further development of the topic of IP management, the content that is offered on the content portal is continuously updated as part of an open foresight process. If you are interested in longer-term topic planning, you can take a look at our radar [link].

The portal cooperates with I3PM (International Association of IP Managers), among others, in order to subject the content to a peer review and an update check. The authors, lecturers and supplementary sources of contributions are supported by an advisory board under the direction of Prof. Dr. Maximilian Haedicke.

The content presented here undergoes continuous academic review and is accompanied by leading experts in the respective field. The addressed topics are accompanied by academic training programs at CEIPI where degrees can be obtained as university certificates, as university diplomas in IP business administration, and as a master’s degree in IP law and management (MIPLM) as well as research by PhD candidates. We appreciate your feedback on our current content catalog and title preview.

January 2024


Prof. Dr. Alexander J. Wurzer
Director of Research Programs

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Haedicke
Head Advisory Board

Tobias Denk
Programm Coordinator


Photo by AR on Unsplash

_____Industry Case Studies in IP Management_____

_____IP Expert Content (free content)_____

IP and digital transformation according to ISO56005/DIN77006

IP design for generating protected business models

1st Quarter 2021

  • Elements of integrated IP management systems
  • Objectives of structure strategy fit
  • 360° IP strategy
  • Invention on demand and synthetic inventions
  • Use case development and protection
  • Generic technical concepts in digital business models

Developing IP strategies for digital business models

1st Quarter 2021

  • The role of brands in digital transformation
  • IP protection of digital business models
  • Practical application of IP function deployment
  • Development and protection of customer journeys and product lifecycle journeys
  • IP strategies from classical value chains to digital value networks

Evolution of digital transformation in industries

1st Quarter 2021

  • Red, blue and black ocean strategies
  • From 4P to 7P marketing for digital service economies
  • IP strategies for servitization
  • IP strategies in business eco-systems
  • Role of IP within subscription and single transaction-oriented
    business models

Digital Eco-systems

1st Quarter 2021

  • Principles of digital business eco-systems
  • IP in two-sided markets
  • The new role of IP in digitalized value chains
  • Curation types and digital platform algorithms
  • IP on the route to dominant digital platforms

Digital business models

1st Quarter 2021

  • Digital technologies in business models
  • IP in e-commerce and digital e-business
  • IP strategy development with the business model canvas
  • Technical systems and digital optimisation logics
  • IP protection in the experience economy and customer journeys and touchpoints

Dynamics of the digital transformation

1st Quarter 2021

  • IP within the fourth industrial revolution
  • Enabling technologies (e.g. AR, AI, cyber physical systems, apps, blockchain, cloud computing)
  • The three driving forces Moore’s, Nielsen’s, and Metcalfe’s Law
  • The role of IP in the network economy (clusters, IoT and smart city)
  • Digital product development Protection and infringement

Claim structures and inventing principles in digital patents

4th Quarter 2024

  • Claim categories and enforcement
  • Requirements for the patentability of digital solutions
  • Description of technical effects
  • Software patents and technicality
  • Invention principles of digital patents


1st Quarter 2024

  • Standard setting process and organizations
  • Standards and interoperability
  • FRAND requirements for licensing
  • Patent pools and the licensing of SEPs
  • Methodologies for determining FRAND compliant license rates

Open source

4th Quarter 2024

  • Open-source model and collaboration
  • Open-source strategy
  • Open-source licenses
  • IP in open-source approaches
  • FOSS and FLOSS types

Digitalisation projects

4th Quarter 2024

  • Agile project management and design thinking
  • The digital user journey
  • Digital use cases
  • Digital user experiences (UX)
  • Digital business models
  • The digital value chain

IP in digital application areas

4th Quarter 2024

  • Autonomous systems
  • Industry 4.0
  • Renewable energies
  • Information and communications technology (ICT)
  • Circular economy
  • Smart mobility


4th Quarter 2024

  • Types of blockchain and distributed ledger technology
  • Blockchain and cryptography
  • Blockchain in industry 4.0
  • Opportunities and challenges
  • Open Source and blockchain patents
  • Litigation issues regarding blockchain patents

Cyber physical systems

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Networking and communication of cyber physical systems
  • Software for ubiquitous systems and modelling of cyber physical systems
  • Real-time operating systems
  • Self-organization and self-X system characteristics networks
  • Opportunities and challenges
  • Cyber physical systems and patentability

Artificial intelligence

4th Quarter 2024

  • History and introduction in basic concepts of AI
  • Artificial neural networks and generative adversarial networks
  • The role of AI in industry 4.0 applications
  • AI and inventorship
  • AI and data science in patent search
  • AI and patentability

3D printing and additive manufacturing

4th Quarter 2024

  • Differences between traditional and additive manufacturing
  • The technological basis of additive manufacturing
  • The modelling aspect of 3D printable models
  • The different additive manufacturing processes
  • Application areas of 3D printing
  • IP challenges for additive manufacturing

Virtual, augmented, and expanded reality

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Real time VR and multi-mode VR
  • Immersion
  • Application in digital product development
  • Application in architecture and interior design
  • Application in digital mock-ups (DMU)
  • IP rights in digital worlds


4th Quarter 2024

  • Cognitive systems
  • Human machine interfaces
  • Bio-inspired robotic and bionic
  • Application areas
  • Opportunities and challenges
  • Robotics and patentability

Data and Media

4th Quarter 2024

  • Software development Project management, business model integration, APIs and the cloud
  • Software development and patentability
  • Data science Algorithms, big data, and data bases
  • Data science and patentability
  • Computer science machine learning, software engineering, and distributed systems
  • Computer science and patentability

Intellectual Property Rights in Europe

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Multimedia trademarks, digital goods, and trademark protection in the digital era
  • Digital brands and digital brand experience
  • Digital and industrial design protection and graphical user interface (GUI) protection
  • Copyrights and their relation to software, graphical design, and Open Source
  • Patenting of digital technologies and software patents
  • Patenting of data structures, data formats, and user interfaces


Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

Value-Oriented IP management according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Interdependency of IP mechanisms

 1st Quarter 2021

  • Integrative IP strategy
  • Strategic use of IP functions
  • IP portfolio development
  • IP usage along product life cycle
  • (Digital) business model protection

Developing IP strategies

1st Quarter 2021

  • Strategy development basics
  • Appropriation of innovation success
  • Differentiation strategy with IP
  • Premium price, market share and cost leadership
  • Market impacts of IP

Generic IP strategies

1st Quarter 2021

  • Hub monopoly
  • Monopoly in a box / ingredient branding
  • Fortress monopoly
  • Value added monopoly
  • Value chain

Strategy Analysis of internal resources

 1st Quarter 2021

  • Resources as the value driver of a firm
  • IP protection of core competencies and resources
  • IP and dynamic capabilities
  • IP and competition
  • Generation and protection of value propositions

Strategy Analysis of market forces

1st Quarter 2021

  • Key objective of strategic positioning
  • IP regime in industry analysis
  • IP and the attractiveness of industries
  • Porter’s five forces
  • Barriers to entry and brand equity

IP strategies and industries

1st Quarter 2021

  • Copyright industry
  • Complex technology-based industries
  • Empirical technology-based industries
  • Brand driven industries
  • Design driven industries
  • Digital industries

Strategy and organization

 1st Quarter 2021

  • Organization implementation of strategy
  • Structure strategy fit
  • Differentiation center
  • Protection center
  • Asset center

Formulating a strategy

1st Quarter 2021

  • Management as a function and as an institution
  • Strategy as an important success factor
  • Key objectives of strategic management
  • Steps of strategy formulation
  • Business strategy to create competitive advantage

Standards of valuation

4th Quarter 2021

  • Patent valuation according to DIN77100
  • Brand valuation according to ISO10668
  • IP valuation according to IDW S5
  • IP valuation according to international valuation standard 210
  • Practical application of valuation standards

Construction of valuation models

 4th Quarter 2021

  • IP valuation causes
  • Information consideration for valuation
  • Analysis of decision situation
  • Process of value assignment
  • Valuation objects and objectives

Analysis of valuation contexts

4th Quarter 2021

  • The role of valuation context, model, and procedure
  • Valuation addresses and methodologies
  • Legal aspects in determining valuation causes
  • Groups of valuation causes
  • Highest and best use conditions

Valuation approaches

4th Quarter 2021

  • Value determinants and value indicators
  • Value driven data analysis
  • Comparison procedure – cost approach
  • Comparison procedure – market approach
  • Comparison procedure – income approach

Value concepts

 1st Quarter 2021

  • IP as the valuation subject matter
  • Resource and market-oriented value drivers
  • Determination of decision values
  • Developing valuation models
  • Value in use and market value

Value, valuation and object of valuation basics

4th Quarter 2021

  • Definitions of cost, price and value
  • Valuation function and valuation purpose
  • Definitions of security, uncertainty and risk
  • Procedural quality of valuation
  • Economic characteristics of IP
  • Objects of valuation

Smart decision making

1st Quarter 2021

  • Typical limits to rational choice in managerial decisions
  • Uncertainty and risks in decision-making
  • Quality in decision-making
  • The generic decision-making framework and process
  • The challenge of bounded rationality
  • Decision process analysis

Economics of intangibles

 1st Quarter 2021

  • IP as an economic good
  • Intellectual capital and intangible assets
  • The role of IP in the value creation process
  • Value related attributes of intangible assets
  • Intangible assets in the balance sheet

Portfolio analysis and strategic thinking

1st Quarter 2021

  • Portfolio analysis basics
  • Portfolio analysis objectives
  • Types of portfolio analysis Market, technology, IP
  • Portfolio analysis tools and techniques
  • Derivation of measures
  • Advantages and disadvantages of portfolio analysis

Intellectual Capital

4th Quarter 2022

  • Intellectual capital
  • Transfer pricing
  • Holding structures
  • IP as collateral
  • IP in structured finance

Trademark and brand valuation

 3rd Quarter 2024

  • Trademark vs brand
  • Trademark valuation approaches
  • Brand value drivers
  • Market shares, price premium and relevant set
  • Laws governing trademark assignments
  • Trademark licensing

Patent valuation

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Patent vs technology
  • Patent valuation approaches
  • Patent value drivers
  • Patent licensing
  • Typical patent valuation parameters

Technology transfer and license valuation

4th Quarter 2022

  • Markets for technology
  • Marketing and licensing
  • Exploitation of technology with IP
  • Negotiation of contracts
  • Commercialization and value drivers

Risk and information analysis

 4th Quarter 2022

  • Specific and unspecific risks in value assignment
  • Overview of IP related risks
  • Quantification of IP specific risks
  • Determination of comparable
  • Information sources
  • Evaluating the quality of information

Methods and tools for valuation

3rd Quarter 2023

  • Relief from royalty method
  • Incremental cashflow method
  • Multiplier method
  • Cost related methods
  • Option price method

Analysing IP portfolios

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Patent and brand portfolios
  • Strategic IP analysis
  • White space analysis
  • Intellectual property function deployment
  • Identification of opportunities, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities of IP assets
  • IP based trend analysis

Developing IP portfolios

 3rd Quarter 2024

  • IP for products, services, and innovation
  • Timeframe and technology lifecycle
  • Innovation capture
  • Competitor analysis, landscape reports and industry benchmarking
  • IP portfolio audit legal, administrative, and commercial focus

Protective rights strategies

4th Quarter 2024

  • Brand architectures
  • Interaction trademark and brand
  • Use of technical property rights
  • Passive and active strategies
  • Preference optimisation: Timing, costs, countries, and regions
  • Enforcement issues

Value Indicators.

4th Quarter 2022

  • Determination of the actual position
  • Patent attractiveness and patent strength
  • Procedural indicators, patent grants and citations
  • Bibliographic patent value indicators (e.g. patent citations)
  • Oppositions and nullity suits

Innovation & Information management according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Portfolio analysis and strategic thinking

 1st Quarter 2021

  • Portfolio analysis basics
  • Portfolio analysis objectives
  • Types of portfolio analysis Market, technology, IP
  • Portfolio analysis tools and techniques
  • Derivation of measures
  • Advantages and disadvantages of portfolio analysis

IP road mapping and IP design

1st Quarter 2021

  • Technology, product, and innovation road mapping
  • Objectives and key results vs key performance indicators
  • SAILS Methodology, IoT and Cyber Physical Systems
  • Integrated IP management system and 360° IP strategy
  • Practical application of IP design

Characterization and types of innovation

1st Quarter 2021

  • Creative destruction and business innovation
  • Most advanced innovation process models
  • Product, process, architectural, modular, component innovation
  • Incremental, radical, and disruptive innovation
  • Contribution of a brand to innovation

Technology diffusion and disruption

 1st Quarter 2021

  • Components of the technology diffusion process (sales channel, time and social system)
  • Market pull and technology push
  • S-curve process and technology adopters
  • Disruptive innovation and innovator’s dilemma
  • Disruptive threats and the lean startup method
  • Lead user method and design thinking

Dominant design

1st Quarter 2021

  • The four levels of product differentiation
  • IP and 4P/7P Marketing mix from products to digital services
  • Dominant design and architectural franchise
  • Technical standards, format wars and interoperability
  • Value of standards
  • Four waves of digitalization Characteristics of digital platforms

Management of technological innovation

1st Quarter 2021

  • Relationship between R&D, IP, and innovation management
  • Timing of entry strategies first mover advantages and disadvantages
  • Influencing factors of entry strategies
  • IP in product management
  • IP within the innovation funnel

Process management

 1st Quarter 2021

  • Business processes Core, support, and management process
  • PDCA cycle and Kaizen Business process management lifecycle
  • Process architecture and process visualization
  • Process quality measurement and process improvement
  • Core processes of IP management
  • IP processes related to innovation processes

Integration of innovation modes (Stage-gate vs agile and IP)

1st Quarter 2021

  • The four stages of creativity
  • Development of business cases for innovation
  • Prototyping, open, and closed beta testing
  • Marketing, launch and post launch review
  • IP management integration in innovation processes


Internal information management

  3rd Quarter 2024

  • IP information processes
  • IP information system and tools
  • Aligning IP and business strategy with information management
  • Data visualization
  • Performance metrics

Property rights management and patent data management system

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Electronic property rights management
  • Noting and monitoring deadlines/due lists
  • Options for action when receiving official communications
  • Quality management and process safety
  • Cost drivers in IP management

Patent-based analyses for competition and technology monitoring

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Technology foresight methods
  • Statistical analysis and relevance diagnosis
  • Indicator systems activity, quality, connection, development rates
  • Quantitative vs qualitative patent analysis
  • Information sources and tools
  • S-curve of technology development

Basics of property right search

  3rd Quarter 2024

  • Search options for IP (commercial vs free data sources)
  • Preparing a patent/trademark application
  • Proceeding against third-party patents/trademarks, preventing collision with third-party trademark
  • Checking the freedom to operate when entering the market
  • Development of search strategies

Search techniques and search tools (patent)

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Prior art search for patents
  • Invalidity search for patents
  • Patent monitoring
  • Query systems and languages
  • Expert levels in patent databases
  • Special databases for specific search purposes/ non-patent literature searches
  • Analyse and understand patent families

Classification systems for patent search.

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Overview and systematics of the international classification systems
  • Introduction to search with classification systems
  • Hierarchical system of classification
  • Areas of application of search with classification systems
  • Reliability of patent classifications


Integration of IP, R&D and innovation management according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Generic IP strategies

  1st Quarter 2021

  • Hub monopoly
  • Monopoly in a box / ingredient branding
  • Fortress monopoly
  • Value added monopoly
  • Value chain

Interdependency of IP mechanisms

1st Quarter 2021

  • Integrative IP strategy
  • Strategic use of IP functions
  • IP portfolio development
  • IP usage along product life cycle
  • (Digital) business model protection

Portfolio analysis and strategic thinking

1st Quarter 2021

  • Portfolio analysis basics
  • Portfolio analysis objectives
  • Types of portfolio analysis Market, technology, IP
  • Portfolio analysis tools and techniques
  • Derivation of measures
  • Advantages and disadvantages of portfolio analysis

Core tasks and cooperation

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Definition of integrated IP, R&D and innovation strategy development
  • The role of IP in innovation management
  • IP demand and active IP generation
  • Supporting R&D work through IP
  • Supporting innovation marketing through IP

Management of cooperation and networks

4th Quarter 2024

  • License management
  • Development phases of networks and business cooperation’s
  • Efficiency in cooperation
  • Innovation controlling
  • R&D contracts and shared IP
  • Ownership and ownership of IP
  • Types of cooperation Joint venture, research initiatives, group research

Active portfolio management

3rd Quarter 2024

  • Value-oriented portfolio construction along product and service innovation, use cases and business models
  • Definition of IP demand and invention on demand
  • Open innovation, licensing, access to technologies
  • Acquisition, exploitation, and commercialization
  • Cost optimisation

Creativity techniques/creativity tools in innovation management – with patent information

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Intuitive methods
  • Discursive methods
  • Combined methods
  • Organisation, execution, and operational implementation of Ideation
  • Evaluation models for ideas
  • Methodical Invention Generation with TRIZ

Establishment of an IP culture

4th Quarter 2024

  • Building awareness campaigns
  • Practical examples of IP Awards
  • IP-oriented compliance and governance
  • Overview and application of DIN77006 and ISO56005
  • Basics and examples of storytelling and change management

Open Innovation

4th Quarter 2024

  • Different types and applications of innovation processes
  • Open vs traditional closed innovation
  • Engineering crowdsourcing for open innovation
  • Product platforming and customer immersion
  • IP management within open innovation

Innovation management according to ISO56005

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Tools and methods for IP management
  • IP strategy for supporting innovation in an organization
  • Establishing systematic IP management within the innovation processes
  • Applying consistent IP tools and methods in support of
    efficient IP management
  • ISO 56005 as a part of the innovation management ISO 56000 ff2020

Brand repositioning and brand modernisation

4rd Quarter 2024

  • Brand positioning the secret of strong brands (models,
    definitions, and strategy)
  • Analysis of brand benefits, brand tonality, brand image, and
    brand attributes
  • Five points for successful brand repositioning
  • Opportunities and risks of the brand relaunch
  • IP checklist for a successful relaunch, trading up and trading down


Organization of IP management according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Organizational Optimisation

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Interface integration, definition, and optimisation
  • Incentivisation
  • KPI development
  • Outsourcing decisions and management
  • Structural and procedural organisation

Quality in IP management DIN77006

4th Quarter 2024

  • ISO 9000/9001 und high level structure
  • Deming Cycle: Introduction and operation
  • Auditing of IP management systems
  • Optional and mandatory provisions
  • DIN77006 Process landscape

Outsourcing and Service level agreements

4th Quarter 2024

  • Core components of service level agreements
  • Quality management and controlling
  • Metrics
  • Partner selection
  • Continuous improvement process (CIP)
  • Practical overview of cooperation design

Information management and IT infrastructure for IP management

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Establishment of IP information management
  • Tool-based IP information management
  • Intellectual property rights monitoring
  • Information integration in higher-level systems
  • Data and knowledge management

Process landscape for IP management

4th Quarter 2024

  • Process Management Introduction
  • Process management systems and process optimisation
  • Business process management (BPM)
  • Process map according to DIN77006
  • Process organisation vs. organisational structure
  • Agile process management

Tasks of IP management in companies

 3rd Quarter 2024

  • Value-based IP management
  • Integration of IP into innovation management
  • IP management system according to DIN77006 and ISO56005
  • Objectives and operational implementation of IP management
  • Strategy development and implementation

Human resource management (HRM)

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Modern HRM systems
  • Recruitment, training and performance appraisal
  • Reward management
  • Employee benefit systems
  • Mentoring coaching and training on the job
  • HR information system

Rationality, judgement and decision making

4th Quarter 2024

  • Background of human decision making
  • Rationality and judgement in business environments
  • Bounded rationality
  • Optimisation of decision processes
  • The effective decision


 4th Quarter 2024

  • Leadership styles
  • Leadership skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Leadership development
  • Leadership performance and organization

Situational leadership and negotiation

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Developing people and self-motivation
  • The effective leader
  • Distributive and integrative negotiation
  • Negotiation strategies
  • Emotions in negotiation

Motivation and innovation

4th Quarter 2024

  • Innovation and organization culture
  • Incentive systems / Top factors that motivate innovation
  • Idea generation
  • Motivating innovative behavior
  • Leader strategies for motivating innovation in individuals


 4th Quarter 2024

  • The secrets of great teamwork / Teamwork collaboration and culture
  • Basic team dynamics
  • Developing teamwork skills
  • Why teamwork fails
  • Teamwork and digital collaboration


  4th Quarter 2024

  • The needs of individuals
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • Unconscious motivation
  • Motivation and business and education
  • Work motivation and Job satisfaction

Change management

4th Quarter 2024

  • Reasons for change
  • Change models / Principles of change management
  • Guide to organizational change management
  • Change success factors
  • Management of the change process

Management control systems

 4th Quarter 2024

  • The concept of management control systems
  • Types of management control systems Qualitative, quantitative, financial
  • Elements of management control systems
  • Performance management of intangible assets
  • Strategy integration
  • Balanced scorecard and strategy map

Balanced scorecard and strategy map for controlling

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Concept and structure of the BSC
  • Strategy map
  • Key figures and performance management systems
  • Integrated management systems
  • Deming cycle and continuous improvement process
  • Introduction of the BSC

Business orientation of IP portfolios

4th Quarter 2024

  • Strategy and target development for IP portfolios
  • Portfolio analysis and presentation
  • Business-oriented indicator development
  • Alignment of business and IP strategy
  • Influencing factors internal and external to the company
  • Value-oriented portfolio management


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Technology transfer & licensing according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Patent pools

  4th Quarter 2022

  • Efficiency gains from patent pools
  • Patent pools structures and examples
  • Patent pools and competition law
  • Patent pools and litigation
  • Patent pools and cross licensing
  • Types of joint licensing programs

Due diligence

4th Quarter 2024

  • Examination and analysis of IP portfolios
  • Due diligence and negotiations
  • Three stage approach prioritization of objectives, substantive investigation of analysis of result
  • IP policies and strategic influences
  • IP warranties and indemnities

Trademark exploitation

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Market overview and service providers for trademark exploitation
  • Brand transactions
  • Trademark licenses
  • Franchise, sponsoring, corporate acquisitions
  • Use of the brand as a collateral for loans

IP process and portfolio management

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Decision making in IP management
  • Portfolio development and maintenance
  • Portfolio based risk management
  • Enforcement, transaction, and monetarization
  • Portfolio reporting

Patent exploitation

4th Quarter 2024

  • Market technology push vs market pull and market dynamics
  • IP, technology, and market assessment
  • Patent landscape analysis
  • Technology bundling options
  • Available patent commercialization routes

International technology transfer

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Technology transfer management
  • Technology transfer networks
  • IP in technology transfer
  • Efficiency gains from technology transfer
  • Safeguarding international technology transfer management processes


  4th Quarter 2022

  • Standardization, internationalization, digitalization
  • Technology standards for safeguarding interoperability
  • Standardization bodies and processes
  • FRAND requirement for licensing standardized technology
  • Approaches to determining FRAND compliant license fees

Joint-Ventures & Tech Transfer

4th Quarter 2024

  • Overview of technology transfer through collaborative partnership arrangements
  • Structure and process of technology transfer trough (international) joint ventures
  • Advantages and disadvantages of TT through JV
  • IP management in joint ventures
  • IP due diligence for joint ventures

IP in M&A.

4th Quarter 2024

  • Transaction structures carve out transaction, asset purchase, stock purchase
  • Company/Asset acquisition
  • IP related cross border challenges
  • IP due diligence and valuation
  • Purchase price allocation for IP
  • Dispute avoidance

Photo by Jorik Kleen on Unsplash

Operational IP management according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Tasks of the patent and trademark department

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Infringement evaluation
  • Cooperation with inventors
  • Portfolio management
  • IP administration
  • Proof of use
  • Cross-functional cooperation

Rights and duties of employees as inventors

4th Quarter 2024

  • Invention disclosure
  • Release of inventions
  • Duty to document information
  • Incentives / Motivation
  • Inventions in cooperation

Budget planning and cost management

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Fee structure
  • Portfolio management
  • Payment management
  • Outsourcing/Insourcing

Cooperation with external partners

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Interface design
  • Know-how transfer
  • Service provider profiles
  • Controlling
  • Quality management

Establishment of an internal evaluation system for inventions and property rights

4th Quarter 2024

  • KPI development
  • Structure of portfolio analyses
  • Presentation of portfolio analyses
  • Overview of portfolio systems
  • Operationalisations
  • Metrics
  • Process integration

Practice-oriented registration and maintenance processes

 4th Quarter 2024

  • National and international filing options – advantages and disadvantages
  • Strategic options
  • Basic features of claim structures
  • Cost-optimised registration processes
  • Alignment of innovation and registration processes
  • Decision-making
  • Reporting

Know-How Protection

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Delimitation of know-how
  • Recording and documentation of know-how
  • Types of loss (legal and illegal) of know-how
  • Implicit and explicit know-how
  • Know-how and technology transfer

Patent protection and trade secrets

4th Quarter 2024

  • Differences between the protection types
  • Conditions for protection and claims
  • Practical guide to decision-making
  • Enforcement possibilities

Product piracy

 4th Quarter 2024

  • International thread assessment
  • Business practices and motivations
  • Plagiarism monitoring on the internet
  • Enforcement Directive
  • Customs seizure practice

Protection of trade secrets in the employment relationship

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Employment contract regulations
  • Protection of trade secrets and compliance
  • Breach of fiduciary duties and proof
  • Protection of trade secrets and labour law
  • Protection of trade secrets in cooperations

IT law and data protection

4th Quarter 2024

  • Cybercrime
  • European GDPR
  • Ownership of data
  • Cloud computing
  • SaaS, Iaas, PaaS
  • Challenge IoT

Interface management with core departments

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Integration of IP in innovation management
  • The role of IP in marketing
  • IP Training for Sales
  • Interaction with R&D
  • IP optimisation in purchasing
  • IP reporting systems
  • Strategy development and reporting

Protective rights strategies

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Brand architectures
  • Interaction between trademark and brand
  • Use of technical property rights
  • Passive and active strategies
  • Preference optimisation: Timing, costs, countries, and regions
  • Enforcement issues

IP strategy in the digital era

4th Quarter 2023

  • Protection of digital objects: use case, user experience, apps, customer journey
  • Integration of IP into digital business models
  • IP functions on platforms
  • Suggestion functions, search functions and curation functions
  • Enforcement of digital patents
  • IP consequences of interoperability requirements

Building an IP culture

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Motivation, promotion and incentivisation
  • Integration of IP into HR management
  • Training in basic IP understanding
  • IP violations in value chains
  • Basis for contractual agreements

IP portfolio for start-ups

4th Quarter 2024

  • IP in Investor relationship
  • Capital acquisition and IP
  • MVP (minimum viable portfolio)
  • IP-based partner management
  • Avoiding, hiding, showing: Startup oriented IP-Strategies

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash


____BASIC IP Content (free content)____

Basics Patents according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Structure of a patent application

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Structural elements of patent documents (INID codes)
  • Title page, description of the invention
  • Claims for protection and drawings
  • International differences
  • Claim structures

Meaning of patent claims

4th Quarter 2024

  • Identification of the protected teaching, prior art
  • Disclosure of the technical teaching
  • (Inadmissible) extension
  • Preamble of a claim and characterising part
  • Combination patent
  • Main and sub-claims, secondary claims (spurious sub-claim)

Patentability of an invention

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Technical inventions (technicity)
  • Novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability
  • Distinction from the state of the art
  • Legal prohibitions on patenting
  • Excluded technical areas
  • Unity

Patent granting procedure National/EP

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Registration and examination systems
  • Territorial reference
  • Procedural premises
  • Submission, application, payment of fees
  • Search, initial decision, and further examination procedure
  • Complaints and appeals procedure
  • Duration, official fees, costs

Patent application PCT

4th Quarter 2024

  • The international patent system
  • Application procedure before WIPO
  • Differences to national patent granting procedures
  • Costs and duration of international patent applications
  • Deadlines

International patent protection

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Foreign national patent
  • European patent
  • International patent application
  • Right of priority
  • Global patent prosecution highway

Overview of the patent systems

  4th Quarter 2024

  • US Patent Law
  • Paris Convention TRIPS
  • Patents in Europe and the USA
  • Comparison of patent offices, EPO, CNIPA, USPTO
  • Blocking patents, submarine patents, patent trolls

Objection and nullity

4th Quarter 2024

  • Regulatory content, purpose, and delimitation
  • Reasons for opposition, procedure, and costs
  • Reasons for invalidity, procedure, and costs
  • Effect ex tunc, principle of official investigation
  • Relationship to infringement proceedings

Patent infringement and enforcement.

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Claims under patent law: Injunction, damages, destruction
  • Enforcement proceedings: Warning notice, preliminary injunction, patent infringement action, border seizure and criminal proceedings
  • Defence against alleged patent infringement
  • International patent enforcement
  • Enforcement costs

Basics Brands according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Multimedia brand

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Status quo of unconventional brand forms (international)
  • Registrability and representation of a multimedia trademark
  • Distinctive character
  • Distinction from other forms of trademarks
  • Practical application of the multimedia brand: examples

Conditions and obstacles to protection

4th Quarter 2024

  • Trademark forms: General and historical
  • Origin of trademark protection
  • Absolute reasons for refusal
  • Relative reasons for refusal
  • Rights arising from trademarks and duration of trademark protection, limitations of trademark protection

Review and appeal procedures

4th Quarter 2024

  • Course of the registration procedure
  • Deadlines and examination criteria
  • Examination of novelty and distinctiveness
  • Reasons for appeal procedures
  • Responsibilities

Cancellation and opposition proceedings

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Procedure for cancellation of a trad mark, action for cancellation
  • Course of the opposition proceedings
  • Cancellation due to absolute reasons for refusal
  • Cancellation due to expiry, due to earlier rights
  • Advantages of opposition and cancellation procedures

Use and brand strategies

4th Quarter 2024

  • Rights-preserving brand use as part of the brand strategy
  • Purpose of the compulsory use
  • Cancellation of the trademark in case of lack of use preserving the right
  • Proof of use preserving the right
  • Brand strategy and brand portfolio

Trademark infringement and enforcement.

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Infringement of a registered trademark
  • Rights of the trademark proprietor in case of infringement
  • Claim for damages (claimant, defendant)
  • Damage calculation
  • Independent and non-independent right to information
  • Scope of the duty to provide information/ submission and inspection

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

Fundamentals of property rights and intellectual property according to ISO56005/DIN77006

Distinction between patent, trademark, and design protection / domain law

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Industrial property rights at a glance
  • Brand
  • Domain
  • Design
  • Patent/ utility model
  • Copyright

Patentability of an invention

4th Quarter 2024

  • Technical inventions (technicity)
  • Novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability
  • Distinction from the state of the art
  • Legal prohibitions on patenting
  • Excluded technical areas
  • Unity

Overview of the patent systems

 4th Quarter 2024

  • US Patent Law
  • Paris Convention TRIPS
  • Patents in Europe and the USA
  • Comparison of patent offices, EPO, CNIPA, USPTO
  • Blocking patents, submarine patents, patent trolls

Overview of brand forms

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Brand representation
  • Word mark, figurative mark, and word figurative mark
  • Three-dimensional mark, color mark, sound mark and position mark
  • Motion brand and multimedia brand
  • Unusual brand types

Trademark and sign for goods and services

4th Quarter 2024

  • Concept, definition, and history
  • List of goods and services
  • Ways to trademark protection, national, international
  • Likelihood of confusion in trademark law – identity and similarity of trademarks
  • Rights from the trademark
  • Value of a brand

Design and design rights

4th Quarter 2024

  • Concept, definition, and history
  • Design law basics
  • Scope of protection of the design right
  • Design and image rights
  • Enforcement of design rights

Enforcement of property rights

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Facts of the infringement of property rights
  • Procedure for the enforcement of property rights
  • Obligation of the proprietor to provide evidence
  • Consequences of the enforcement of property rights
  • Behavior at trade fairs

Stakeholders in the patent and trademark system and their cooperation

4th Quarter 2024

  • The institutions underpinning IPR systems
  • Institutional IP and IPR governance
  • National, regional, and international patent offices
  • Society and government
  • IP applicants, holders, pools and trolls/NPEs
  • IPR agents, lawyers, agencies, and divisions within firms

Copyright – system and application

 4th Quarter 2024

  • Object of copyright
  • Copyright holder
  • Nature, scope and limitations of copyright
  • Transfer of copyright
  • Copyright infringement

Know-how and trade secrets

  4th Quarter 2024

  • Importance and value of trade secrets
  • Requirements for the protection of trade secrets
  • Appropriate confidentiality measures/ standards under the TRIPS Agreement
  • Rights of the owner of the secret
  • Overview of the threat situation: examples
  • Practical implementation of protection concepts


4th Quarter 2024

  • Open-source model and collaboration
  • Open-source strategy
  • Open-source licenses
  • IP in open-source approaches
  • FOSS and FLOSS types

Academic Education in IP Management at CEIPI

Center for International Intellectual Property Studies
University of Strasbourg

Intellectual property has become a crucial factor and driving force in the knowledge-based economy. Due to digitization, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, and the digital transformation of business eco systems, the economic development and competitiveness of companies depend more and more on the generation and exploitation of their knowledge. Intellectual property can convert investment in competitive advantages into economic benefits. Thus, IP-based appropriation strategies form the basis of creating value and beneficial competitive positions for companies to achieve sustainable success with business models and innovation activities.

The IP-Management program at CEIPI is by far the most successful executive management program in IP in Europe. The IP-Management education at CEIPI is modular, ranging from University Seminars and University Certificates, over the Diplôme Universitaire Intellectual Property Business Administration (DU IPBA), the Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM, Master (II), LLM) to the PhD in IP management.

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