Our ambassador partners are representatives of the CEIPI IP Business Academy in their countries and regions. They are experienced IP experts who support their national innovation systems with content from the CEIPI IP Business Academy. Ambassadors are the spokespeople with knowledge about national specificities. The language, in which we communicate through social platforms and provides content is English. Our ambassadors promote the CEIPI IP Business Academy within their community to raise awareness by promoting our content through social platforms, and if preferred, in their national language. Together with our ambassadors, we provide case studies, teaching materials, and seminars.

Soad Essam Abueldahab

Ambassador Egypt

Felipe Aguilera-Børresen

Ambassador Norway

Olalekan Akinwumi

Ambassador Nigeria

Andrés Alvarado

Ambassador Columbia

Mohamed Mostafa Amer

Ambassador Egypt

Matome Amos

Ambassador South Africa

Maria Balestriero

Ambassador Italy

Aral Barkin Arak

Ambassador Netherland

Shourabh Banerjee

Ambassador India

Petronela-Antonia Bauer

Ambassador Australia

Paolo Beconcini

Ambassador USA and China

Paolo Bertoni

Ambassador Italy

Marta Bettinazzi

Ambassador Italy

Roman Bieda

Ambassador Poland

Maria Boicova-Wynants

Ambassador the Benelux and the Baltics

Marek Bury

Ambassador Poland

Stephen Carter

Ambassador United Kingdom

Enes Çetinkaya

Ambassador Turkey

Rita Anwiri Chindah

Ambassador Nigeria

Smita Choudhary

Ambassador Saudi Arabia

Olivier Corticchiato

Ambassador Switzerland

Vincent Couteau

Ambassador Belgium

Janice Dennoncourt

Ambassador United Kingdom

Pape Dieng Ph.D.

Ambassador Switzerland

Matt Dixon

Ambassador United Kingdom

Ines Duhanic, LL.M.

Ambassador Germany

David Durand

Ambassador Canada

D'souza Savio Cornelius

Ambassador India

Islam El-Deek

Ambasssador Saudi Arabia

Amr Eldakak

Ambassador United Arab Emirates

Ivo Emanuilov

Ambassador Bulgaria

Tudor-Codrin Enea

Ambassador Romainia

Melvin Essone

Ambassador France

Maier Fenster

Ambassador Israel

Ivan Gauci

Ambassador Spain and Malta

Tomas Geerkens

Ambassador BeNeLux

Ari Juliano Gema

Ambassador Indonesia

Udo Gennari

Ambassador Austria

Giovanna Paola Girardi

Ambassador Spain

Krzysztof Gorak

Ambassador Poland

Freddy Guemeni

Ambassador United Kingdom

Daniel Greif

Ambassador Thailand

Magnus Hakvag

Ambassador Norway

Andreas Sætre Hanssen

Ambassador Norway

Ján Havier

Ambassador Slovakia

Dr. Patrick Heckeler

Ambassador Germany

Anatol Heib

Ambassador Switzerland

Andreas Jacob

Ambassador Germany

Nouiere Järvinen

Ambassador Sweden

Nabiry Jumanne

Ambassador East Africa

David Kalow

Ambassador USA

Erdem Kaya

Ambassador Turkey

Ilya Kazi

Ambassador United Kingdom

Stephen Key

Ambassador United States


Ambassador United Arab Emirates

Dr. Malte Köllner

Ambassador Germany

Soo Min Koh

Ambassador South Korea

Tomas Klinka

Ambassador Slowakei

Barbara Lania-Pietrzak

Ambassador Polen

Tobias Lipp

Ambassador Spain

Louis Lozouet

Ambassador Brazil

Katya Machuganova

Ambassador Bulgaria

Victor Manuel Martínez

Ambassador Mexiko

Anji Miller

Ambassador United Kingdom

Catalina Vera Moscoso

Ambassador Ecudaor

Adriana De Moura

Ambassador Brazil

Richard Nugent

Ambassador Ireland

Melissa Murray

Ambassador Arab Emirates

Archana Pandit

Ambassador India

Dean Parry

Ambassador United Kigndom, Wales

Didier Party

Ambassador France

Fidel Pérez

Ambassador Argentina

David Perkins

Ambassador Australia

Robert Pocknell

Ambassador United Kingdom

Anton Polikarpov

Ambassador Ukraine

Clara Pombo

Ambassador Spain

John Pryor

Ambassador United Kingdom

Raffaele Ranieri

Ambassador Italy

Trond Ramsvik

Ambassador Norway

Nora Rüter

Ambassador Germany

Lorenzo Sala

Ambassador Italy

Biswajit Sarkar

Ambassador India, Calcutta, West Bengal

Martin Schweiger

Ambassador Singapur

Dr. Heiko Seeger

Ambassador Italy

Dr. McLean Sibanda

Ambassador Southafrica

Jörg Smolinski

Ambassador Germany

Dave Stevens

Ambassador United States

Rajiv Suri

Ambassador United Arab Emirates

Anelia Stoikova

Ambassador Bulgaria

Vikki Townsend

Ambassador United Kingdom

Mohan Velayutham

Ambassador India

Magda Voltolini

Ambassador France

Matthew Wahlrab

Ambassador USA

Henry K.H. Wang

Ambassador Hongkong

Alexander Weir

Ambassador United Kingdom

Dr. Lennart Weiß

Ambassador Germany

Andrew White

Ambassador United Kingdom

Dr. Martin Wilming

Ambassador Switzerland

Linus Wretblad

Ambassador Sweden

Stephen Yang

Ambassador China

Anita Yaryna

Ambassador Ukraine

Dr. Claudio Zancan

Ambassador USA

Adi Zemann

Ambassador Austria

  • +201115399264
  • ph.soad.essam@gmail.com

Soad Essam Abueldahab

Ambassador Egypt

Coming soon

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  • felipe.aguilera-borresen@innovasjonnorge.no
  • Innovation Norway

Felipe Aguilera-Børresen

Ambassador Norway

Felipe Aguilera-Børresen is Senior IP Adviser at Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Government’s main instrument for innovation and development of enterprises and industry. He provides advice on intellectual asset management and business-driven IP strategies for startups and small and medium sized enterprises. Aguilera-Børresen is a member of the Advisory Board at CIP, the Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Gothenburg. He has previously been appointed as Expert Advisor to the European Commission on the enforcement of intellectual property rights for SME’s, and he has served as a board member of Licensing Executives Society (LES Scandinavia). His academic background is in industrial mathematics from the University of Oslo, Norway and Universidad Javeriana, Colombia. He holds an IPBA on intellectual property management form CEIPI, University of Strasbourg. In addition to executive education programs on innovation management and IP strategy from MIT, HBS, NTNU/CIP and IMD, where he is currently serving as a board member of the alumni club.

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  • +2348035974430
  • akinwumico@yahoo.com
  • IFMA Lagos

Olalekan Akinwumi

Ambassador Nigeria

Coming soon

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  • +573155422407
  • andressalvarado@gmail.com
  • Olarte Moure

Andrés Alvarado

Ambassador Columbia

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  • +201002991543
  • moamer@niip.edu.eg
  • Innovation & IPR Helpdesk

Mohamed Mostafa Amer

Ambassador Egypt

Mohamed Mostafa Amer is a former candidate for the presidency of Egyptian Intellectual Property Authority, a WIPO Authorized Trainer, Expert, and tutor at WIPO Academy, IP Regional Consultant of the Capacity Building Model Project for the Technology Sector of Saudi Arabia (SAIP-WIPO), IP Expert for WIPO TOT Program of Syria Center of Intellectual Property, IP Expert at Emirates Intellectual Property Association (EIPA), and Senior Patent Examiner at the Egyptian Patent Office (EGPO). He is a WIPO Tutor for DL Courses, and an IP Trainer at the National IP Academy (NIPA), Egypt. He is also an IP consultant at the Innovation & IPR Helpdesk, Egyptian Innovation Bank, and ASRT. He is an Intellectual Property Researcher. At the National Institute of Intellectual Property (NIIP) – Helwan Univ., He Was an IP Consultant at AGIP for 10 Years, He is a Member of Creators Union of Arab - ECOSOC Consultative Status, UN. And finally, he is a WIPO ADR Young member - (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center. In addition, He is a Lecturer of Intellectual Property Rights – for the MPM program - at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University, and a Founder of IP Awareness LIVE Broadcasting #عامر_والملكية_الفكرية on social media He participated in many Training courses, workshops, and conferences related to Intellectual Property fields “licensing, PCT, On-Job substantive Patent examination, IP Quality Management System, TTO Setup, IP Negotiations – International Certification of IP Management…..etc.”. Inside/Outside Egypt (USA, South Korea, France, Australia, Kuwait, and Japan). Mohamed received several TOT training courses and tutoring courses as well. He Also Obtained the International Certification of Management of IP, Seoul, Korea 2018. He had CopyrightX Certification from HarvardX , Harvard Law School, Harvard University, 2021. He revised some papers for the Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) - CSIR-NISCAIR. He had many TV and Radio Interviews for IP and innovation Awareness, at The Egyptian Radio and Television Union the public broadcaster of Egypt, operated by the Egyptian government He has received shields and honor certificates from Many Authorities. like, the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate, New Mansoura University, Arab Center for Consultancy & Training, Corporate and Investment Lawyers Forum, and the National Institute of Intellectual Property - Helwan University. He is an Editor and Co-Author of “Real-Life Models and Consultation Requests from Egypt” Book, the outcome of the TED-PPP Project funded by the EU, in 2020 He has many pieces of research in the field of intellectual property: 1- “Computer programs between Patent and copyright”, July 2012. 2- “Impact of IP on SMEs”, May 2015. 3- Research on “Patent information and its economic impact - a survey of the available literature”, the 4th conference on intellectual property at the National Institute of Intellectual Property 2021, the Journal of Intellectual Property and innovation management Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2021, Page 123-139 (10.21608/jipim.2021.230941)

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Matome Amos

Ambassador South Africa

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  • Intellectual Property, Antitrust and Privacy Commission

Maria Balestriero

Ambassador Italy

Coming soon

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  • +905357295022
  • barkin.arak@innomaker.net
  • INNOmaker

Aral Barkin Arak

Ambassador Netherland

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Shourabh Banerjee

Ambassador India

Shourabh holds significant IP operations experience across diverse IP domains including trade marks, copyrights and designs in numerous industries across clientele of Europe/ USA/ Africa and Asia with a premiere IP practice based in India. After moving to the UK in 2019, he pursued his master degrees MBA and LLM (Mediation & International Arbitration ) and is currently pursuing his PGCert- Trade mark Attorney qualification with Queen Mary University, London. To his credit, he currently is a contributor to the IP Journal (IP-Think Tank), (National University of Juridical Sciences) NUJS, Kolkata, India and a co researcher with University of Cambridge and NUJS, Kolkata on a project based on sustainable IP models or SME’s based on cultural heritage products/services (ICH- Intangible cultural heritage).

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  • Managing Director PAB-Intellectual Property Services

Petronela-Antonia Bauer

Ambassador Australia

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  • +1 213 689 5110
  • paolo.beconcini@squirepb.com
  • Squire Patton Boggs | www.squirepb.com

Paolo Beconcini

Ambassador USA and China

Since 2012 Dr. Paolo Beconcini has headed the firm’s China Intellectual Property team spanning over several offices, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Los Angeles. Since 2023 Paolo chairs the newly formed Global Brand Protection Practice Group within the firm. Paolo consults companies seeking protection for their IP rights in China and legal action against infringers, advising on issues of law and enforcement, conducting evidence gathering and piloting their cases through the Chinese legal system. A sought-after authority on IP protection and litigation in China, Paolo manages the trademark, copyright and design portfolios of European and US clients, conceives and implements IP litigation strategies, regularly appears in Chinese courts and attends IPR administrative and police raids on counterfeiters. His record of success in patent and trademark infringement lawsuits includes landmark cases designated “case of the year” by several IP journals. He leads business intelligence teams that pursue evidence of counterfeiting operations, particularly concerning automotive, fashion and consumer goods. Paolo is frequently invited to speak at conferences devoted to the growing field of Chinese IP, and has been actively involved in field projects, including trademark and patent enforcement training programs for Chinese civil servants. Paolo is regularly interviewed on China IP matters by media around the world such as The Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, The Times, Bloomberg, La Tribune and Il Sole24 Ore, to name a few. In China, where intellectual property disputes routinely involve multiple cultures, Paolo’s fluency in five languages, including Mandarin, helps him navigate international borders, and creates confidence in his clients. Paolo represents US and European clients in confronting the myriad cross-­cultural challenges – legal, commercial, political – that threaten patent and trademark assets.

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  • +39 02 7215 7679
  • paolo.bertoni@chiomenti.net
  • Chiomenti | https://www.chiomenti.net

Paolo Bertoni

Ambassador Italy

In the dynamic world of Intellectual Property, Paolo stands out orchestrating the protection and enhancement of creative and innovative assets. With over two decades of experience, Paolo has become a go-to strategist for Italian and international clients who seek to navigate the intricate melodies of IP and Information Technology law. Paolo advises Italian and international clients with a particular focus on cross-border profiles of complex matters and disputes. He advises clients on patents, trademarks, copyright and related rights, design and models, know-how and confidential information, unfair competition, advertising and communication law and data protection. He has experience in intellectual property and information technology garnered as a member and head of major Italian and international law firms. Such experience brought him to face complex transactional and litigation issues in a wide variety of business sectors, with a steadily high amount of mandates in the fashion, automotive, design and furniture, food and hospitality, banking and financial institutions and healthcare fields. Paolo is ranked as a leading lawyer by prominent international legal guides such as Chambers and Legal500. Paolo is Of Counsel at Chiomenti, a prestigious full-service Italian law firm renowned for its legal craftsmanship and innovative solutions. His role at Chiomenti started from the organization and design of the Intellectual Property team, which is currently co-heading and his tenure underscores his commitment to excellence and positions him at the forefront of legal innovation.

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Marta Bettinazzi

Ambassador Italy

Dr. Marta Bettinazzi is an Italian IP lawyer with a deep knowledge of the South East Asia IP landscape. She is now working as a Lawyer in Milan; her main clients are SMEs and freelancer. She helps her clients in building an effective strategy to protect and develop their intangible assets. Previously she was the IP Advisor of the South-east Asia IPR SME Helpdesk project located in Ho Chi Minh City. Marta, holds a master’s degree in law from the University of Pavia (Italy), and a PhD in Roman Law and European legal culture from the Universities of Pavia and Saarbrücken (Germany).

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  • roman.bieda@competentis.pl

Roman Bieda

Ambassador Poland

Roman Bieda Attorney-at-law and patent attorney. He has been gaining expertise over the last 20 years in the commercial law and the IT law. He deals with contract negotiations, a specially in the IT sector and advises on IP, data protection and electronic commerce, consumers protection. He is a CEO at AI LAW TECH Foundation (www.ailawtech.org). It is a think – thank, with joins IT lawyers and technology experts to do interdisciplinary research. Roman Bieda sat on a panel of experts of the Digitalisation Council created by the Minister for Digitalistion during its second term. He was head of the subgroup for legal aspects of AI on the panel of experts with the Minister for Digitalization regarding the drafting of the assumptions for AI strategy for Poland. He was the leader of the Working Party on Ethical and Legal Aspects of AI organized by Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland. Roman Bieda combines his professional duties with lecturing. He lectures on contract law, intellectual property law and IT/AI law at the Kozminsky University and Warsaw School of Economics. He supervises academic research work and lectures at the postgraduate programs of IT/IP Law, Cybersecurity Management, AI Law all offered by Kozminsky University. He has authored papers concerning IT law, AI law and data protection law.

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  • maria@wynants.eu
  • Wynants & Co,

Maria Boicova-Wynants

Ambassador the Benelux and the Baltics

Maria Boicova-Wynants is an IP lawyer and IP strategy consultant, helping SMEs make their competitive advantage sustainable. Maria is a Founding Partner at Wynants & Co Strategic IP Solutions. She is a Latvian Patent and Trademark Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney, as well as European Mediator in civil and commercial cross-border disputes for almost two decades. Maria's main areas of expertise are IP strategy, contractual relations, and alternative dispute resolution. She is also a mediator and art law expert on the list of the Court of Arbitration for Art (the Hague), Mediator on the WIPO ADR Centre’s List of neutrals, tutor in IP-related topics for CEIPI, EPO and IP Business Academy, and Chair of the Quality in IP Management Committee at I3PM. Maria holds an MBA degree from Vlerick Business School and LL.M. (MIPLM) from CEIPI/University of Strasbourg

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  • +48 228339409
  • marek.bury@bnb-ip.eu

Marek Bury

Ambassador Poland

Marek Bury is a Polish and European (EQE 2013) patent attorney specialising in electronics and ICT. He graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology in 2004 with an M.Sc. Eng. degree, specialising in Information Technology, Automation and Robotics, Electronics and Telecommunications, and an additional profile in Telecommunications - Electroacoustics and Television. In 2009, he was awarded a doctorate (with honours) in Technical Sciences with a specialisation in Telecommunications. His dissertation was awarded the third prize in the national competition for the best dissertation in the field of radio communication and multimedia technologies, as well as an individual 2nd degree award from the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for scientific achievement in 2009. Also in 2009, he passed the final examination and was registered as a Polish patent attorney under the number 3261. In 2010-2015 he simultaneously worked as a patent attorney in a large IP firm and as an assistant professor at Warsaw University of Technology. He has participated in a number of scientific and R&D projects concerning a wide range of issues related to radioelectronics, including digital television standards, localisation techniques, microwave imaging, radar systems, antennas and robotic emergency management systems. He has participated in government-sponsored programmes aimed at strengthening relationships between academia and industry. He is a member of IEEE. In 2013, his name was entered on the list of professional representatives before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO, formerly OHIM) and, after passing the European Qualification Examination, on the list of professional representatives before the European Patent Office (EPO). In order to meet the requirements for representation before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in 2017, he completed a Master's degree in law. Accordingly, he was entered on the list of professional representatives before the UPC in 2023. Professionally, in IP, Marek Bury deals mainly with the cases concerning patents, particularly in the field of electrotechnics, mechanics, telecommunication and information technology. He is an author and co-author of approximately 30 scientific publications concerning radioelectronics and more than 10 works concerning industrial property. He often posts on LinkedIn statistical observation on various IP measures, predominantly European patents. He is involved in IP community both on Polish and on European level. In years 2013-2017 he was member of the Polish Council of Patent attorney. In years 2014-2017 he was a substitute member of European Patent Institute (EPI) council. Since 2014 he is a member of the European Patent Practice Committee (EPPC): in years 2014-2017 he was a member of the main committee and a member of ICT sub-committee. Then in consecutive terms 2017-2020, 2020-2023, and 2023-2026 he was elected only to the ICT sub-committee and now is a co-chair thereof. He is also involved in quality in IP. Since 2020 he coordinates works of Quality Working Group of the EPPC and since was appointed to the Standing Advisory Committee of the EPO. Also, both on Polish and European level, he has been involved in patent attorney examination as a member of Examining Committee of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys (2017-2021, 2021-2024) as

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Stephen Carter

Ambassador United Kingdom

Stephen is an IP Consultant, a European Patent Attorney and Chartered UK Patent Attorney and has particular experience in medical technology and software. He is recognised in the ‘iam 300’ as one of the world’s leading IP strategists, “an outstanding educator and mentor for emerging businesses”. Stephen spent over 20 years in two London-based law firms before moving to a consultancy role, working with clients to develop and implement their IP strategies. He especially enjoys working with ambitious technology businesses to help them design and implement effective IP strategies aligned with their business goals. Stephen has a BEng and MPhil in Engineering from the University of Bath.

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  • +90 541 451 51 55
  • enescetinkaa@gmail.com

Enes Çetinkaya

Ambassador Turkey

Enes Çetinkaya is a Turkish IP lawyer with extensive knowledge of both European and Turkish IP law. He currently works as an IP Lawyer at Tor Holding in Istanbul and also provides legal advice to SMEs on intellectual property and Turkish law. Since graduating from the CEIPI Master's program in Intellectual Property and Management, he has helped clients develop effective strategies to protect and grow their intangible assets. He focuses particularly on companies in the IT and video game industries.

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  • IGA Nigeria Limited

Rita Anwiri Chindah

Ambassador Nigeria

Coming soon

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  • patents@ajaleen.com

Smita Choudhary

Ambassador Saudi Arabia

I am a dedicated and passionate Techno-Legal Expert specializing in Patents, Science, Research, IP Law, and Technology. With a profound understanding of the intricate nexus between innovation and legal protection, I am committed to fostering an environment where groundbreaking ideas can thrive securely. My expertise lies in safeguarding intellectual property through meticulous patent management, navigating the complexities of legal frameworks, and ensuring the seamless approval of patents. I bridge the gap between technological brilliance and legal protection, fluently speaking the languages of both innovation and law. Beyond mere paperwork, I endeavor to cultivate a culture of innovation within organizations, recognizing that sustainable success requires a fusion of fresh ideas and robust legal strategies. I view intellectual property as the lifeblood of innovation, breathing life into concepts and propelling businesses forward. Whether you are a startup with a visionary concept or a seasoned corporation seeking to redefine industry standards, I invite you to connect with me. Let us embark on a journey to explore the transformative power of intellectual property in fostering sustainable success.

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  • +41 79 834 26 86
  • corti-ip@bluewin.ch

Olivier Corticchiato

Ambassador Switzerland

Olivier Corticchiato brings a pragmatic, business-oriented and technical view on your Intellectual Property questions. Capitalizing on +30 years experience in large multinational corporations (Procter & Gamble, Nestlé), acquiring a significant know-how in global IP protection, IP Strategies, and IP disputes/litigations, Olivier now serves his clients by providing Intellectual Property Consultancy, in particular for the Biotech, Healthcare, Nutrition & LifeSciences industries. Business mindset, legal pertinence, results orientation and cost-consciousness are among his focal points to serve his clients. Contact: https://sites.google.com/view/corti-ip/accueil

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  • vincent.couteau@eviden.com

Vincent Couteau

Ambassador Belgium

Vincent Couteau is born and bred in Belgium and has developed his professional career through large international exposure. He currently serves as Legal Director IP/R&D Transactions and Brand Protection with Eviden (eviden.com), an Atos group company, which holds worldwide leading positions in advanced computing, security, AI, cloud and digital platforms. Prior to that, he was serving as the Head of Legal IPR at Atos International and as a Legal Director with Worldline Global. Prior to joining Atos and Worldline, Vincent worked respectively with Israeli law firm Weiss & Porat, Anglo-German law firm Taylor Wessing, K.U. Leuven R&D (the tech transfer office of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium) and Siemens Belgium-Luxemburg. Vincent is a qualified lawyer in Belgium and a qualified solicitor in the UK. His expertise mainly spans the following areas : IP/IT, M&A, legal aspects of R&D, tech transfer, licensing, public procurement, EU-law, comparative tax law. Current focus of activity goes to soft IP topics such as copyrights, open source, data, trademarks and domains and associated business models, transactions and litigious matters.

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  • • +57 3114520113
  • jsuarez@k-intangibles.com
  • Universidad El Bosque

Juan Carlos Suárez Delgadillo

Ambassador Colombia

Attorney from Universidad Externado de Colombia with a Master's degree in Intellectual Property from the University of Ankara (Turkey) and WIPO. Certification in IP Asset Monetization from the Korean IP Office and WIPO. Advanced training in IP Management, Technology Transfer, and IP Commercialization in different countries such as the United States, Israel, France, Sweden, and Singapore. He has over 14 years of experience in strategic Intellectual Property Management in both corporate and university sectors. Consultant for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in IP Policies for Universities, WIPO Tutor and trainer in WIPO programs for Latin America, South Korea, China, and African countries. International speaker and university professor in IP Management. Advisor to Universities in IP Management and Technology Transfer Consultant at K-Intangibles LATAM. Currently is the director of IP and Technology Transfer of the Bosque University (Colombia).

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Janice Dennoncourt

Ambassador United Kingdom

Associate Professor Dr Janice Denoncourt is an IP academic and an IP lawyer (England and Wales). She is the author of Intellectual Property, Finance and Corporate Governance (2018, 2020) Routledge. Her book examines the legal theory and accounting principles essential for the management and corporate reporting of IP rights and intangible assets. It provides guidance and IP strategy disclosure models to meet legal corporate annual reporting, disclosure and transparency requirements across a range of company types. Janice has been a Director of the UK’ IP Awareness Network (www.ipaware.org) since 2020. Since 2022 she has been member of the Academic Advisory Group to the UK’s Endorsement Board. Janice was also Head of IP at Minter Ellison and sole Inhouse Legal Counsel for a listed mining technology company in Western Australia. Janice founded and is the Director of the Intellectual Property Research Group at Nottingham Trent University (https://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups-and-centres/groups/intellectual-property-research-group)

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  • Teoxane Laboratories

Pape Dieng Ph.D.

Ambassador Switzerland

Dr. Pape Dieng is a patent attorney with deep expertise in chemistry, cosmetics, medical devices and life sciences. He is now working in Geneva, where he serves as the Global IP Manager at Teoxane, a leading independent player in aesthetic medicine. Pape holds a PhD in organometallic chemistry from the University of Strasbourg. He is a qualified European Patent Attorney, a UPC representative, and he also holds the certified university diploma in IP Business Administration. Pape has been involved in several patent prosecutions and litigations in his career. He combines exceptional communication skills with robust legal and technical acumen and is passionate about turning ideas into strategic assets. He delivers training and workshops on Intellectual Property strategy and management.

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  • Beck Greener LLP

Matt Dixon

Ambassador United Kingdom

Coming soon

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  • +491629488824
  • ines.duhanic@googlemail.com
  • MENARINI Group

Ines Duhanic, LL.M.

Ambassador Germany

Ines is a German-qualified lawyer specializing in IP and privacy law. She holds a Master's degree in European Intellectual Property Law from Stockholm University, having trained in Berlin and Sydney. She is currently completing her PhD in copyright law and serving as Privacy Counsel and Data Protection Officer at a multinational pharmaceutical corporation.

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  • Durans Lawyers

David Durand

Ambassador Canada

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  • InventoHub

D'souza Savio Cornelius

Ambassador India

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  • +966509194185
  • isdeek@gmail.com
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Islam El-Deek

Ambasssador Saudi Arabia

Islam is a seasoned innovation and technology transfer professional with over a decade of experience in intellectual property management, early-stage technology marketing, and collaboration with startups and SMEs. He is a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP) and a Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP), highlighting his expertise and dedication to the field. Islam holds a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property from the University of Turin, Italy, and a Master of Science in Geosciences from KFUPM, Saudi Arabia. He has led numerous successful technology transfer projects, negotiated collaboration agreements, and conducted training sessions on tech transfer and IP commercialization for universities, companies, and public organizations. An active member of LESI and AUTM, Islam is committed to fostering innovation, mentoring entrepreneurs, and promoting collaboration between academia, industry, and government to drive economic and technological growth.

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  • Coming soon

Amr Eldakak

Ambassador United Arab Emirates

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  • ivo@iolegal.bg
  • I/O legal | Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Ivo Emanuilov

Ambassador Bulgaria

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  • +40 743 192 398
  • tudor.enea@etclaw.ro

Tudor-Codrin Enea

Ambassador Romainia

Tudor is a tech lawyer specialized in IP and Privacy, with over 7 years of experience assisting clients in various matters. He brings a holistic approach to every project, due to having both a BSc and an LLB. Tudor is an alumnus of both Erasmus University College Rotterdam and Kent Law School. His expertise lies in EU and Romanian Intellectual Property Law.

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  • melvin.essone@gmail.com

Melvin Essone

Ambassador France

IP executive with 14 years in R&D and IP strategy • 5 years as Academic researcher inside French, Slovenian and American laboratories • 6 years as IP strategy consultant for CAC 40 companyies Universities, TTOs, VCs, Consortia, the French Government and Startups • 3 years as Patent analyst in the metallurgy industry for automotive, aeronautic and packaging markets. Areas of expertise: − Transforming Patent Assets into Value, − Creating high-Value Patent Assets and KPIs, − IP Growth and market entry strategy.

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  • +972-73-7919199
  • maier@ipatent.co.il

Maier Fenster

Ambassador Israel

I am the head of the medical device department at Ehrlich & Fenster, of the Ehrlich Group. I specialize in startup companies and multi-disciplinary inventions. My current IP passions are combined IP/business strategy and improving the state of IP understanding by business people. IP can be a great equalizer for the little guy and it is a pity it is not used more; I hope to change this. Every other week I publish on LinkedIn (and YouTube) a talk on an IP subject, as part of #IPTechTuesday. I am happy to talk about IP to any audience. Formally, I am Israeli patent attorney and a US patent agent with nearly 30 years experience in the field and hold degrees in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. As the Israeli market is relatively small, we have an international outlook when drafting and prosecuting. Our credo is that our job is to help the client understand what their invention might be, and, more important, figure out what IP can do to help their company succeed. I am also an inventor on 40+ patents.

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  • +237 693 00 40 98
  • armelle.tala@cabinet-tf.com


Ambassador Cameroon

Armelle FOUDA MVONDO is Partner at Cabinet T&F, a firm specialized in intellectual property in the OAPI region (17 countries in Africa ). She combines business acumen with IP knowledge to provide business-focused advice to companies and individuals. With a strategic approach, she helps companies to secure their investment and to reap Greater benefits from their innovation thanks to IP (trademark, patent, design). She is engaged on IP awareness and delivers diverse content and programs to ensure that IP should be used properly and contributes to the development of African Countries. She collaborates with incubators in Central and west Africa to raise awareness on IP as a tool of competitiveness and she is also lecturer in some prestigious Universities of Cameroon such as JFN Institute of Technology, JFN Center.

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Ivan Gauci

Ambassador Spain and Malta

Coming soon

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  • +32 4 73 88 19 22
  • tomas.geerkens@gmail.com

Tomas Geerkens

Ambassador BeNeLux

As an ambassador for IP Business Academy, I am eager to leverage my extensive background in auditing, risk management, and business development to inspire and educate. Currently serving as a Director at Connor, I have over ten years of experience in ensuring comprehensive contract, license, and royalty compliance across a wide range of industries and markets globally, with a focus on Intellectual property. My role involves spearheading intellectual property reviews and license agreements while also acting as an Account Executive for strategic accounts within the Connor network. Before joining Connor, my journey in intellectual property and risk management spanned significant roles at Deloitte and Ernst & Young, where I managed enterprise risk engagements and performed financial audits, respectively. These experiences afforded me a broad perspective on the complexities of intellectual property across diverse sectors, including media, technology, and life sciences, throughout various regions from Europe to the Asia-Pacific. My academic achievements include a Master's in Applied Economics – Business Engineering, with honors, from the University of Antwerp, specializing in international and European business and innovation management. This foundation is enhanced by my ITIL v3 Foundation and Third Party Risk Professional Workshop certifications, and my fluency in English, Dutch, and French enables me to connect with and advise a broad spectrum of stakeholders. At Connor, our ethos is centered on providing not just auditing services but acting as trusted advisors, offering insights that challenge the status quo and drive significant long-term value for our clients. This philosophy mirrors my professional approach—prioritizing continuous learning, strategic growth, and the cultivation of solid and lasting partnerships. As an IP Academy ambassador, I am excited to share my experiences and insights, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence in the intellectual property space.

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  • +62 818 856859
  • ari.juliano@gmail.com

Ari Juliano Gema

Ambassador Indonesia

Ari is a Partner at Assegaf Hamzah & Partners, one of the largest law firms in Indonesia. He has a wealth of experience advising both domestic and international clients in a wide range of industries and sectors, especially in ICT, intellectual property (IP), and the entertainment industry. In addition to practicing as a lawyer, Ari has also served as Project Director of Creative Commons Indonesia in 2009. He was also appointed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia as Deputy Chairman for IP Facilitation and Regulation at Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF) (2015-2020), and Senior Advisor for the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (2020-2022). Ari is also active in various discussions on the topic of the influence of AI development on IP protection.

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  • udo.gennari@biz-up.at
  • Business Upper Austria

Udo Gennari

Ambassador Austria

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  • GP Girardi Intellectual Property | www.gpgirardi.com

Giovanna Paola Girardi

Ambassador Spain

Giovanna Girardi is a lawyer specializing in business law and intellectual property. Clients hire her to build strategies to protect their designs, patents and trademarks and also profit from them. Giovanna also lectures at various business schools Geneva Business School, EAE, Garrigues and collaborates in global and European to raise awareness of intellectual property rights as a competitive tool for SMEs. In 2017, she participated in an ambitious project for the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) to help harmonise practices within the network of European Union Intellectual Property Offices. Giovanna was born and raised in Brazil and holds Masters degrees from Pontificia Comillas University. You can follow her insights in intellectual property on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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  • KJF Patent

Krzysztof Gorak

Ambassador Poland

Comning soon

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  • fnguemeni@gmail.com

Freddy Guemeni

Ambassador United Kingdom

Freddy is an experienced IP manager with over 10 years of experience in research commercialisation and in the management of intangible assets. He has supported several licensing deal negotiations and the creation of numerous spinouts in leading technology transfer offices. Qualified European patent attorney, Freddy has field expertise in the identification and acquisition of intellectual property rights, comprising patents, trademarks, designs and trade secrets. Freddy has led IP & Exploitation work packages of a number of EU-funded collaborative R&D projects. He delivers training and workshops on Intellectual Property strategy and Innovative Business Modelling. Having started his career drafting medicinal chemistry patents in a French biopharma, Freddy’s broad experience include roles at The University of Manchester's and Imperial College's TTOs, medtech funder at the National Institute for Health and Care Research and, as an Innovation management consultant.

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  • +662-117-2272
  • d.greif@schmitt-orlov.asia
  • S&O IP

Daniel Greif

Ambassador Thailand

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  • 0047 41 30 6634
  • magnus.hakvag@hoknowledge.com
  • House of Knowledge (HOK)

Magnus Hakvag

Ambassador Norway

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  • +47 40043038

Andreas Sætre Hanssen

Ambassador Norway

Andreas Sætre Hanssen is a lawyer specializing in business law and intellectual property. He helps innovative companies keep their products unique and competition fair using IP. With experience as a lawyer large corporate law firms such as DLA Piper, The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO), and IP specialists Onsagers, Andreas now runs Zipip, creating new smarter IP solutions. Located in Oslo, Norway, Andreas has a Master of Law from The University of Bergen, Norway; an IP LL.M from Cardozo School of Law, NY, USA; and a Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) from CEIPI, Strasbourg, France. You can see Andreas insights on LinkedIn

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Ján Havier

Ambassador Slovakia

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  • +49 89 92805-0
  • patrick.heckeler@bardehle.de

Dr. Patrick Heckeler

Ambassador Germany

Patrick Heckeler is a German and European patent attorney as well as a UPC representative. He partnered with the renowned Munich law firm BARDEHLE PAGENBERG in 2021. With his studies of computer science, Patrick Heckeler has reliable expertise in the patentability of inventions in the field of computer technology, specifically in the areas of artificial intelligence, telecommunications, computer architecture, operating systems, databases, embedded systems, multimedia technology, virtualization, and network technology. His main areas of practice include patent prosecution, opposition and appeal proceedings as well as infringement and nullity complaints.

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Anatol Heib

Ambassador Switzerland

Anatol Heib is a content specialist and storyteller at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. He has 20 years of experience as a journalist and has also completed a CAS IP Law programme in the field of intellectual property. The topic fascinates him anew every day. The discussions with inventors, start-ups and other creative people are very inspiring. This makes it all the more important that they are aware of the opportunities that IP offers.

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  • Galion PO GmbH

Andreas Jacob

Ambassador Germany

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  • +46700556731
  • nouiere@litigence.com
  • Litigence

Nouiere Järvinen

Ambassador Sweden

Nouiere is the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Litigence, where she leads the development of AI-driven solutions that simplify patent processes and legal complexities. With a strong foundation in software engineering and a passion for technology’s role in intellectual property, she specializes in leveraging Generative AI to advance patent analysis and strategy. Her expertise spans invalidity searches, infringement analysis, novelty assessments, and litigation support. Her technical expertise, coupled with her commitment to AI-powered IP solutions, enables her to empower corporations to secure and maximize the value of their innovations. She is dedicated to making patent law more accessible, efficient, and impactful for global innovators.

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Nabiry Jumanne

Ambassador East Africa

Nabiry is Partner and Head of the Intellectual Property (IP) at ECA, working with many International law firms in the IP field by supporting their client's IPR matters in Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) in the areas of Trademarks, Patents, Designs, and Copyrights Registration and Prosecution, Draft and submit oppositions, Cancellation and appeal actions, Trademark infringement, IPR Registrations/Renewals, Anti-unfair competition matters, IP Enforcement & Litigation, Domain and trade name protection, Corporate and Legal Advisory and Customs protection of intellectual property rights, as well as negotiation on various Intellectual Property issues.

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  • 917-306-6708
  • david@kalow.com

David Kalow

Ambassador USA

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  • + 90 532 549 17 79
  • e.kaya@erdemkayapatent.com
  • Erdem Kaya Patent ve Dan. A.Ş.

Erdem Kaya

Ambassador Turkey

Erdem studied electronic engineering in Turkiye and qualified as a Turkish and European Patent Attorney in 2001. He is the founder of Erdem, Kaya & Partners, one of the most respected full service IP firms in Turkiye with a team of more than 50 IP professionals. Throughout his professional life, he has provided patent counseling services in almost all relevant aspects, including but not limited to patent drafting and prosecution, FTO studies, IP disputes, strategic IP managements, licensing agreements and valuation. Erdem also headed a national patent union called UPB for 4 years where he provided awareness or advanced level IP training to more than 20,000 people. He is currently one of the most active IP profiles in Turkiye and regularly speaks and writes on many platforms. He is a member of the world's leading IP organizations such as EPI, LES, AIPPI, INTA, GRUR and I3PM and is ranked among the top patent professionals in Turkiye by respected rating agencies. Finally, Erdem is a licensed angel investor and has invested in several start-ups with strong patent portfolios and software companies providing IP and technology transfer related solutions.

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  • +447908544364
  • ilya@ik-ip.com
  • IK-IP Ltd.

Ilya Kazi

Ambassador United Kingdom

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  • +1-209-480-8603
  • stephenkey@inventright.com
  • inventRight

Stephen Key

Ambassador United States

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  • Saba IP


Ambassador United Arab Emirates

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  • Köllner & Partner mbB | www.kollner.eu

Dr. Malte Köllner

Ambassador Germany

Dr. Malte Köllner, from Köllner & Partner, is a German and European Patent Attorney as well as Trademark and Design Attorney. In 2019 he was ranked in the category “Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz (Industrial Property)” as being one of Germany’s Best Lawyers for the fifth consecutive year by the German business newspaper “Handelsblatt”. He was also recognized as Germany's most influential patent attorney. Dr. Malte Köllner holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry and a diploma in Physics from the University of Heidelberg. His areas of expertise include physics, physical chemistry, optics, lasers, biotechnology, medical devices and software. With a vast experience in the field of Intellectual Property, Dr. Malte Köllner is also the editor-in-chief of the German journal for patent law "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Patentanwälte" and a lecturer at various conferences and universities. Dr. Malte Köllner has authored a handbook on the Patent Cooperation Treaty as well as numerous publications on the economic and legal side of the IP system. His notable achievements in the IP area have listed him, year after year, as one of the world’s leading lawyers and IP strategists. Dr. Malte Köllner regularly presents current trends and developments in the IP industry in his lectures. Dr. Malte Köllner developed several legal services such as Flat Fee Prosecution and made a fundamental contribution to the area of patent valuation.

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  • FirstLaw P.C.

Soo Min Koh

Ambassador South Korea

Comin soon

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  • SIGNUM legal s.r.o.

Tomas Klinka

Ambassador Slowakei

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  • lania.pietrzak@gmail.com

Barbara Lania-Pietrzak

Ambassador Polen

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  • info@valuia.com

Tobias Lipp

Ambassador Spain

Tobias brings more than ten years of experience in the field of intellectual property (IP), specializing in IP and innovation management. With his extensive expertise in developing and implementing IP strategies for a diverse range of companies and start-ups across various technology sectors, he possesses a deep understanding of the nuances of IP protection and innovation. Passionate about creating and safeguarding IP, Tobias leads workshops on invention harvesting and IP design, with a focus on areas such as medTech, artificial intelligence, and sustainability. Drawing from his own experience as an inventor, Tobias offers valuable insight into crafting technologies eligible for IP protection. In 2016, Tobias founded an innovation and technology transfer department, offering tailored IP and innovation support services to research institutions and companies. This venture equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of different organizations, enabling him to develop effective strategies to meet their requirements. In 2018, Tobias launched Lipp+Tech Consulting (www.lipp.tech), a consultancy specializing in multidimensional IP and business analysis. Through interdisciplinary advice, Lipp+Tech aids start-ups, SMEs, and multinational corporations in optimizing the value of their IP assets and fostering innovation within their industries. In 2023, Tobias co-founded valuia® (www.valuia.com), a consulting firm collaborating with accelerators and incubators to educate and empower their start-up communities on leveraging Intangible Assets (IA) and IP. Through comprehensive IP management advisory and educational programs, valuia® aims to foster innovation and growth. Aside from his consultancy work, Tobias is a partner of QIMP (Quality Initiative for IP Management) and serves as a reader in certification courses at the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Centre d'Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI). In this role, he shares his expertise with fellow professionals in the IP field, contributing to the advancement of IP management practices.

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  • Venturini IP | www.venturini-ip.com

Louis Lozouet

Ambassador Brazil

Partner at Venturini IP, a boutique Intellectual Property firm based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Louis is an IP Attorney-at-Law with over 10 years of legal experience with international clients. Previous to Venturini IP, he worked as a Director of Business Development for the largest IP group in Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries, helping develop IP portfolios of Brazilian companies and subsidiaries of foreign companies located in Brazil. Louis also had the opportunity to work as a Patent litigation specialist at one of the most renowned Brazilian Patent Litigation firms, with specific focus on the telecommunication (standard-essential patents), pharmaceutical and med-tech industries. Louis is an expert in IP Strategic and Management Consulting, as well as Patent Licensing. He holds an MBA from IMD Business School, Lausanne-Switzerland; a Post-Graduate degree in IP Law from Universtié Paris-XII, France; and a Post-Graduate degree in Civil Procedure Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Admitted to the Brazilian Bar (2012) and to the French Bar Exam (CAPA – 2009).

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  • +359 884 558 998
  • kmachuganova@gmail.com
  • GAN Ltd.

Katya Machuganova

Ambassador Bulgaria

As a Gaming Product and Partnership Manager with a strong background in digital media, gaming, and intellectual property, Katya brings extensive expertise in managing the entire lifecycle of innovative, player-focused products. She holds dual Master’s degrees in Digital Media and Videogames, and Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer from Sofia University. Recently recognized as Lady of the Year 2024 in Innovations and featured in Forbes Women 4 Technologies 2023, Katya is dedicated to advancing technology-driven innovation and advocating for diversity in tech. In her role, she leverages IP strategy and technology transfer to foster sustainable growth and drive market impact in the gaming industry.

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  • Goodrich, Riquelme y Asociados, A.C.

Victor Manuel Martínez

Ambassador Mexiko

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  • LifeArc

Anji Miller

Ambassador United Kingdom

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  • 593 9 95774819
  • catalina.vera@libelula.com.ec

Catalina Vera Moscoso

Ambassador Ecudaor

Passionate about entrepreneurship, technology commercialization, business model development and human-centered design process. Experienced connecting local entrepreneurs with resources to create, launch and sustain businesses. I hold strong skills in strategy design; proposal building; execution, managing and completion of projects related to the promotion of entrepreneurship and competitiveness. With the ability to connect actors from the private sector, academia and public sector to achieve the proposed objectives. I have significant experience in entrepreneurship education, assessing in the development of entrepreneurial ideas and coaching teams to improve and build new business models and value propositions.

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  • Fiesp - Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo

Adriana De Moura

Ambassador Brazil

Comning soon

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  • Mathys & Squire Consulting Limited

Richard Nugent

Ambassador Ireland

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  • +971 4309 3214
  • melissa.murray@twobirds.com

Melissa Murray

Ambassador Arab Emirates

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  • +237694322791
  • jpnyemeg11@gmail.com

Jean-Pierre Junior Nyemeg Bissek

Ambassador Cameroon

Jean-Pierre Junior NYEMEG BISSEK is a Business Lawyer and an Industrial Property Attorney from Cameroon. For nearly 10 years, he has been assisting individuals and companies in the formulation and implementation of their intellectual property strategy in the OAPI region. He has also an extensive experience in training and raising awareness on IP matters, as exemplified by his participations in local training programs and international conferences dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa. He works with various intergouvernemental organizations in the execution of projects related to the development of IP in Africa, such as Africdeezayn, the ECOWAS-WIPO collaborative project on industrial design.

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  • Zlogiks Patent Services

Archana Pandit

Ambassador India

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  • PatWorld

Dean Parry

Ambassador United Kigndom, Wales

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Didier Party

Ambassador France

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  • +54 9 11 5001 5936
  • perez.fidel.g@gmail.com

Fidel Pérez

Ambassador Argentina

Dr. Fidel Pérez is an Argentinian Biochemist and Pharmacist. He got a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the Università degli Studi di Firenze. He taught Analytical Chemistry at Universidad Nacional del Litoral and, then, worked on Quality Control and Quality Assurance in different pharmaceutical laboratories in Buenos Aires. From 2012 he has covered different positions within the Technology Transfer Management of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). In the present, he coordinates a network of CONICET’s Tech Transfer Offices of the North of Argentina and leads the INPI Argentina TISC Center in the provinces of Salta and Jujuy.

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  • david@eurekaip.com.au

David Perkins

Ambassador Australia

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  • N&M Consultancy Limited

Robert Pocknell

Ambassador United Kingdom

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  • apolikarpov@polikarpov.legal
  • Polikarpov Law Firm

Anton Polikarpov

Ambassador Ukraine

In my professional career, I have established from the scratch IP/TMT practices in two top-tier Ukrainian law firms (Arzinger and Avellum). I have strong experience of dealing with business matters as internal counsel due to leading IP department in FMCG-giant “Roshen” and working for the top beverage company “Global Spirits” (TMs “Khortytsa”, “Morosha”)

During the recent years of professional activity, I have received a number of recognitions (either as an individual lawyer or as a member of the firms I worked at): by Chambers Europe, WTR 1000, The Legal 500 EMEA, IAM Patent 1000, Managing IP (IP Stars) and Best Lawyers. As an in-house lawyer, I was included in WTR 300 (in 2017 and 2018) and recognized as the Best In-house IP Counsel in Ukraine (in 2018).

Patent Attorney of Ukraine, 2015 (Certificate No. 476)
Attorney-at-Law, 2012 (Certificate No. 2607)

Master of IP Law (with honours), 2012, Intellectual Property Institute, National University “Odesa Law Academy”
Master of Laws (with honours), 2006, Kyiv National Economic University

Hobbies: I am in love with the piano since childhood, currently play keyboards in Van Kuver band (YouTube channel) and practice boxing

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  • ClarkeModet

Clara Pombo

Ambassador Spain

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  • +44 7587 885 131
  • john@exaltip.com

John Pryor

Ambassador United Kingdom

Intellectual Property and Strategy. Over the last 25 years John has helped thousands of businesses to protect their competitive advantage and profit margin using Intellectual Property in the most effective way. John’s experience includes Co-founding the Global Intellectual Property Strategy Business of EY; Managing Director Europe for the leading intellectual property brokerage ICAP, Senior VP at IP legal tech firm CPA Global during which time the business doubled and sold for £1bn. John started his career at P&G and as a Strategy Consultant at Accenture, he has a BSc in Biochemistry/Physiology from Kings, London and an MBA from Warwick Business School. John is passionate about advising how Intellectual Property can protect competitive advantage and increase business value. He is particularly focussed on Brand and the intersect between Trade Secret Management, Information Security, and IP Culture.

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Raffaele Ranieri

Ambassador Italy

Raffaele is the head of the trademark practice at Notarbartolo & Gervasi and director of the trademark business unit. He has significant experience in IP litigation, including large, complex patent litigation and trademark and design lawsuits. He has developed a more holistic interest toward intellectual property, fostered by serving as an assistant and tutor at the IP department of the University of Milan, where he authored several articles on IP topics and serving as a lecturer on IP postgraduate courses at Politecnico di Milano. He has participated as an IP expert in a government task force concerning the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and his a member of the EU Observatory for anti-counterfeiting. Raffaele advises a wide range of clients ranging from blue-chip companies to start-ups. He manages large trademark portfolios for his clients, designing global strategies aimed at enforcing clients’ IP assets. He is a global and imaginative thinker, with robust experience in all aspects of intellectual property. He distinguishes himself with his profound understanding of opposition proceedings before the EUIPO and the IPTO and has successfully pursued global anti-counterfeiting strategies with a special focus on Far East, including opposition proceedings, raids, customs seizures and lawsuits. Raffaele is ranked in WTR 1000, IAM 300, WIPR, Leaders League as top leading IP professional. They say about him: “Raffaele is a peacemaker, a maverick, in law and the international IP world. He seeks to push the parameter of law and is an incisive and effective practitioner.” WTR 1000 2023 and “Raffaele’s ability to look beyond the norm and seek out creative solutions is testament of his wider outlook. Everything he produces can be considered a masterpiece”. WTR 1000 2021

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  • +4797509199
  • trond.ramsvik@awa.com

Trond Ramsvik

Ambassador Norway

Trond holds a Ph.D. in solid-state physics and is currently working as a European Patent Attorney at AWA. He has been active in the IP field since 2007, with recent years focusing on telecommunications and software. His work includes business-specific consulting, drafting patent applications, counselling concerning application examination, evaluating technological fields, and handling oppositions, infringement, and invalidity evaluations, as well as legal disputes. He has extensive experience managing global patent portfolios. Trond completed the Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management programme at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) in 2024. The course focuses on understanding the economic environment and the factors influencing and mastering the development of business-based strategies for intellectual property rights.

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Nora Rüter

Ambassador Germany

Nora is a patent engineer with a dual degree in engineering, a MBA business law (AIM/FH Burgenland 2021) and a LL.M/MIPLM (CEIPI 2022). She started her career as patent engineer at Harting, is since 2018 patent engineer at the Grimme and started her own part-time IP engineering office Rüter in 2023.

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  • +39 3355306389
  • lorenzosala@lecceassociati.com
  • Lecce & Associati S.r.l.

Lorenzo Sala

Ambassador Italy

I was born in Milan (Italy) on 29/9/68, I live in Milan and I have been a member of the Milan Bar Association since 1997. I have ben working for Lecce & Associati S.r.l. (that operates, through lawyers as well as patents and trademarks attorneys, in IP field with reference to patents, trademarks, industrial models and copyright) since 1999. I am a lawyer with extensive and consolidated experience, both judicial and extrajudicial (litigation, opinions and contracts), in the field of industrial and intellectual property (trademarks, patents, industrial models, copyright, industrial secrets, unfair competition) as well as in commercial law (agency, distribution, supply/sale, procurement/contract for work, leasing). Since May 2023 I have been registered in the appropriate register and therefore authorized to assist clients also in cases of nullity and infringement of European patents - also with unitary effect - (UPC Representative) before the Unified Patent Court.

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Biswajit Sarkar

Ambassador India, Calcutta, West Bengal

Biswajit Sarkar is widely regarded in industry circles as one of the pioneers of Intellectual Property in India. When he specialized in Intellectual Property and started professional practice in 1991, many stared at him. Intellectual Property, as we know it now, was in a nascent stage. Trademark protection was, by and large, restricted to the registration of trademarks and the issuance of warning notices. Copyright was mainly limited to music and publishing industries. Patents were few and far between. After signing the WTO/GATT agreements, India has now become the country with the maximum potential for the Intellectual Property Right matters. Today, Biswajit Sarkar is one of the most sought after lawyers in the country for Intellectual Property matters and he successfully completed two world renowned cases, such as registration of a particular address as trade mark of 6 Ballygunge Place and creating copyright protection for Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa. His clientele includes industry leaders and blue chip companies. Mr. Biswajit Sarkar is empanelled with different Foreign Embassies and Consulates as well as various Chambers of Commerce. To give back to the society, his firm regularly takes interns from law institutes country wide. Mr. Sarkar is regularly invited by Universities , Law Colleges, Kolkata Police, National Judicial Academy , Government Bodies and various Chambers of Commerce to give lectures to spread awareness of the role of IP in modern business. Biswajit Sarkar is honoured and humbled to represent Mother Teresa’s Organisation: Missionaries of Charity for legal issues.

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  • Schweiger & Partners

Martin Schweiger

Ambassador Singapur

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  • Studio Torta S.p.a. | www.studiotorta.com

Dr. Heiko Seeger

Ambassador Italy

Dr. Heiko Seeger is the Partner and a European and Italian Patent and Design Attorney at Studio Torta S.p.a.

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  • mclean.sibanda@gmail.com
  • Bigen Global Limited

Dr. McLean Sibanda

Ambassador Southafrica

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  • Kailuweit & Uhlemann Patentanwälte mbB

Jörg Smolinski

Ambassador Germany

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  • +91-89898989898
  • nick.knight@example.com
  • Stevens Law Group

Dave Stevens

Ambassador United States

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  • +971 4 321 1000
  • r.suri@alsuwaidi.ae

Rajiv Suri

Ambassador United Arab Emirates

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  • +359.882.11.35.88
  • anelia@science-place.com

Anelia Stoikova

Ambassador Bulgaria

Anelia Stoikova is economist with sound experience in public and private sector dealing with international trade, science, innovation, education, culture, and regional development policy and projects. She is running a consulting entity with key portfolio focused on technology transfer offers, business optimization, trade performance, intellectual property management, and sustainable development advisory services. Anelia has experience in different working groups in Brussels and Geneva and articulates the importance of knowledge and research for development, new waves of innovation, foreign trade, sustainability policy, and participates in projects and initiatives in this context. She holds a master’s degree in Intellectual property and technology transfer, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in partnership with the CEIPI, EPO, USPTO, WIPO, and master’s degree in Forecasting and planning of economic systems, University of National and World Economy. Supplementary specializations in Arizona State University, Joint Vienna Institute – trade negotiations WTO, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, Institute for marketing Sofia – design, Sofia University Journalism Faculty – advertising and graphic design, etc.

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  • +44(0)203 696 0945
  • vikki.townsend@pure-ideas.co.uk
  • Pure Ideas Ltd

Vikki Townsend

Ambassador United Kingdom

Vikki Townsend is currently Senior Managing Attorney at Pure Ideas Limited, a boutique IP firm in the UK serving many SMEs and individuals. During her 30+ year career she has accrued valuable experience both as an IP business owner in private practice and whilst in-house, guiding and implementing IP strategies for large industrial organizations. She is a strong advocate for educating aspiring entrepreneurs and fledgling innovative businesses about IP, how best to protect and successfully exploit it, and the opportunities and risks it presents when operating a commercial business. Vikki and Pure Ideas are working to educate and share knowledge with innovative businesses through growing relationships with business-serving communities such as Innovate UK – Talent and Skills Connect, and the ConeX Portal. They also produce an informative podcast with guests from various industries sharing knowledge and experiences of navigating IP issues in the real world.

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  • +919944304630
  • mohanvelayuthamr@gmail.com

Mohan Velayutham

Ambassador India

Mohan is a passionate engineer with over 17 years of experience in the IP industry. His skills include New IP Product Development/Management, Customer Success, IP analytics, BD and Marketing in the IP industry. He is enthusiastic about IP analytics, new product development and AgriTech. Mohan served as an IP Advisor for the European Union SME IPR Helpdesk for India, worked in management roles at German IP consulting and law firms, and played a key role in scaling up an IP services startup.

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  • Lencify | www.lencify.eu

Magda Voltolini

Ambassador France

Based in Paris, Magda began her career in intellectual property in 2011 as a journalist on IP policy and rights, and then she continued her work as a business engineer of IP software and services, and more recently, she is focusing on public affairs in Europe. She is a member of the I3PM Association and LES France. Magda holds a Graduate Master's degree in Marketing and Business Development from IFOCOP Paris, an LLM in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Edinburgh, a Postgraduate Master's degree in Business Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and a Law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. She is registered in the Bar Association of Rio de Janeiro, as a non-practicing lawyer. 

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  • Rapid Alpha | rapidalpha.com

Matthew Wahlrab

Ambassador USA

Matthew began his career in Intellectual Property in 2001. His insights in the intersection of IP, business intelligence, and marketing led to prominent roles in investment funds and commercialization responsibilities for patents/patent portfolios. Matthew has managed commercialization efforts of patent portfolios as large as 5,600 assets. He has been recognized as one of the top 300 thought leaders globally in intellectual property every year since 2017 by leading the IP publication IAM. He is an author of Keiretsu Capital’s Exit Strategy Handbook, the 2021 ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap update, an IP fund formation advisor, a Venture Partner for Venture Funds, and a Co-Chair for the I3PM Risk Committee.

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  • henrykhwang@ymail.com
  • Taylor & Francis

Henry K.H. Wang

Ambassador Hongkong

EurIng. Henry K. H. Wang is an international executive, author & speaker with extensive high level business experience globally. He is President of Gate International & was a former director of both Shell China and SABIC in Riyadh. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts FRSA & Fellow of Institute of Chemical Engineering. He is a board member of London University SOAS SCI Advisory Board. He has been invited to join the G20/B20 International Taskforces & Action Councils. He has also been invited to join the IASE Advisory Committee plus the I3PM SDG/ESG Committee. University of Strasbourg has invited him to lecture on their new EU program. He has published over 100 papers and speeches plus 6 books globally. His negotiation paper was selected as one of Top Five UK Management Papers of the Year. He has been invited to speak at international conferences, leading universities and business schools globally. He undertook his undergraduate BSc studies in University College London and postgraduate MSc studies in Advanced Chemical Engineering in Imperial College London. He is advising leading international organisations and companies globally on management, leadership, Climate, SDG, ESG and sustainability.

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  • AlexWeir@outlook.com
  • Chairman and Co-founder | IPerfectAI Ltd

Alexander Weir

Ambassador United Kingdom

There are great opportunities for the use of AI/DLT in supporting SMEs and start-ups with the tools that use this technology to add real value for investment and growth. AI/DLT will enable SMEs and others, to use their IP to grow, unlock hidden opportunities and open real investment. Too many SMEs do not have any IP (9% by recent EUIPO studies), I wish to reach the 91% who are unaware of the value of IP and ensure the 9%, exploit to the fullest extent their existing IP and realise the benefit of having IP for their growth and long term investment potential. AI with DLT offers great opportunities, enabling SMEs to understand the true value their IP delivers, see where they stand in relation to their industry competitors and chart a clear path to build strong and successful businesses.

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  • lennart.weiss@kwintely.de
  • KWINTELY Intelligence GmbH

Dr. Lennart Weiß

Ambassador Germany

Dr. Lennart Weiß is CEO and Co-Founder of KWINTELY Intelligence GmbH. His mission is to make global technology knowhow accessible useful in 1 click. For this purpose his team built the KWINTELY platform based on context search for patents & science documents to curate the most relevant set of results in under 5 seconds.

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  • Mathys & Squire LLP

Andrew White

Ambassador United Kingdom

Coming soon

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  • Hepp Wenger Ryffel AG | www.hepp.ch

Dr. Martin Wilming

Ambassador Switzerland

Martin Wilming has been a partner at Hepp Wenger Ryffel since 2008. His main areas of activity are international grant procedures, opposition and appeal proceedings before the European Patent Office and the enforcement of intellectual property rights of all types. In addition, he advises and represents clients in proceedings before the Swiss Federal Patent Court, which has had jurisdiction over patent litigation cases since the beginning of 2012. In addition to patent law, he is also active in trademark law and design law. He not only has extensive experience of analysing questions of infringement and the legal validity of intellectual property rights, but also provides clients with practicable recommendations for action from a commercial perspective. He frequently advises and represents clients in complex disputes, coordinates multinational IP litigation and drafts and negotiates technology-related agreements, in particular licensing, cooperation and technology transfer agreements. In technological terms, the main areas of his activity are chemistry, pharmaceutics, adhesives and coatings, dental technology, food technology and mechanical engineering. Martin Wilming runs a blog (www.patentlitigation.ch) which provides a running commentary on the case law of the Swiss Federal Patent Court, and has also contributed as a co-author to the Patentrechtskommentar (Patent law commentary) by Fitzner/Lutz/Bodewig. In addition, he is a lecturer on the CEIPI Basic Training Course in European patent law. Martin Wilming has a doctorate in bio-organic chemistry and has worked for Hepp Wenger Ryffel since 2002. He is a European and Swiss Patent Attorney. In addition, he has undertaken additional training in economics and has specialized further in the field of the management of IP rights (LL.M. in IP Law and Management (CEIPI)).

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  • linus@ipscreener.com

Linus Wretblad

Ambassador Sweden

Linus has 25 years of experience supporting IPR and innovation processes, starting as an examiner at the Swedish Patent office, now focusing on IP management, prior art search methodologies and AI supportive tools. He has a M5aster of Science in Physics & Electronics and a French DEA degree in Microelectronics, and additional MBA studies on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is actively engaged in the IP community and was the president of the Confederacy of European Patent Information User Groups (CEPIUG) 2012-2017 and since 2017 on the board of the ISBQPIP foundation for certification of Patent Information Professionals. Linus is the co-founder of and was also CEO 2000-2018 at Uppdragshuset, providing high-end patent information search services. He is since 2018 Co-founder and CEO of IPscreener, a spin-off company from the EUROSTAR project with the Technical University of Vienna & Uppdragshuset on AI assisted exploring and understanding of patents. Since 2023 he is an IP advisor to the Industry Common Foundation (ICF) to provide support on how to us AI to facilitate for researchers to explore, understand and better benefit from IP and patents.

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  • +86-10-62966619
  • yyang@ipmarch.cn
  • IP March | www.ipmarch.cn

Stephen Yang

Ambassador China

Stephen Yang is a Chinese patent attorney and managing partner of IP March. His practice covers patent drafting, prosecution, invalidation, opinion and litigation in mechanics, electronics, energy and high-tech areas. His IP career began in 1997. In addition to practicing in IP firms in China, he also worked in-house in Canada. Stephen’s technical background is mechanical and industrial engineering. He received double Bachelor’s degrees from Tsinghua University in China and a Master’s degree from University of Toronto in Canada. Stephen is a frequent speaker at international conferences, webinars and courses and a prolific author of many articles and books. In particular, he is the lead author of the book "IP Protection in China", published by ABA Publishing in 2015 (1st edition) and 2024 (2nd edition). Stephen has been consistently recognized by various sources as a leading IP practitioner in China.

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Anita Yaryna

Ambassador Ukraine

Anita Yaryna is a seasoned legal expert with extensive experience in technology, AI, IP law, commercial transactions, and compliance. As the former Head of Legal, she excels in optimizing legal operations under Ukrainian, U.S., and EU legislation. Her core competencies include AI and tech law, IP and data protection, risk assessment, and product management. Anita advises AI/ML companies and SaaS models, ensuring GDPR and privacy regulation compliance. Anita has formulated and executed comprehensive policies, protected intellectual property, and negotiated high-value contracts. She has led data protection and privacy compliance initiatives, significantly improving legal operations and cross-department collaboration. Her role includes supporting global company structuring, addressing legal risks, and providing expert counsel throughout product development. Anita holds a Master's degree in IP Law and Management from the University of Strasbourg and certifications in Information Privacy Law, Video Game Law, and GenAI from the Berkeley Law School (University of California). Anita is a prominent member of the global video game law community, with strong ties to developers and support companies. Anita's commitment to aligning legal strategies with technological innovation and business goals positions her as a valuable asset to any forward-thinking legal team.

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  • claudiozancan@gmail.com

Dr. Claudio Zancan

Ambassador USA

Dynamic and accomplished professional with a diverse academic background and extensive experience in strategic areas of finance, marketing, intellectual property, and management. Seeking opportunities to apply expertise in driving business growth and fostering innovation.

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  • Wolf Theiss

Adi Zemann

Ambassador Austria

Coming soon

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