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Decision making and valuation: 2nd module of the MIPLM 2023-2024

Decision making is a big part of management. But are managers good in making decisions? Rational or sound decision making is taken as primary function of management. Every manager takes hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously making it the ...

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The Anatomy of a valuable patent

Patents are a form of intellectual property that gives the patent owner the exclusive right to exclude others from making, using, selling and importing the invention covered by the patent for a specified period of time, typically 20 years from the dat ...

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Why is securitization of IP assets a quandary?

Abstract: Securitization refers to the process of recognizing the financial worth of debts and other receivables and consolidating them into an asset that can be sold for a price. This can include tangible or intangible assets, such as patents, tradem ...

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Decision making and valuation: CEIPI MIPLM 2022-23

Decision making is a big part of management. But are managers good in making decisions? Rational or sound decision making is taken as primary function of management. Every manager takes hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously making it the ...

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Start of the Certified university Course „IP Valuation (II)“

With the increasing digitalization and dematerialization of the economy, also the value of the so called intangible assets becomes more important for decision makers. The intangible assets comprise every company asset, with cannot be touched and is no ...

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Decision making and valuation: 2nd module MIPLM

Decision making is a big part of management. But are managers good in making decisions? Rational or sound decision making is taken as primary function of management. Every manager takes hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously making it the ...

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Origins of IP Management – Episode 2 “The beautiful mind John Nash and game theory”

In this “Origins of IP Management” episode we want to discuss the Paper: John Nash, Equilibrium points in n-person games, Proceedings National Academy of Science 36 (1950) 48-49.  Cannot open the video? Please click: ...

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The C-suite can embrace the intangible economy through “Integrated IP Management”

Intellectual property: An economic asset In a globalized world where competitive advantages are almost instantly competed away, only Intellectual Property rights (IP) can provide durable protection of a company’s economic position. Exclusive IP rights ...

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Decision-Making in IP Management

The value of an IP asset represents the potential future economic benefits to the IP owner or authorized user. In order to be able to sell, license or enter into any commercial arrangements based on IP, you need to be able to put a value on an IP asse ...

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Book Review: Patent Management – Protecting Intellectual Property and Innovation

I have the pleasure to review the latest book from Gassmann, Oliver; Bader, Martin A. and Thompson, Mark James – “Patent Management: Protecting Intellectual Property and Innovation“, a comprehensive book that adds to the importance of pate ...

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