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Superfakes: The New Level of Deception

The allure of luxury goods has never been stronger. From designer handbags to high-end sneakers, the desire to own prestigious brands permeates our culture. You have heard of counterfeit products before, but the so-called “superfakes” take deception t ...

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Registration of Unconventional “Smell” trademarks

Under the Federal Decree-Law No (36) of 2021 (“UAE Trademarks law”), “smells” find mention within the definition of “trademark” as provided for under the Article (2) of the said law. It is defined as “anything having a distinctive form such as names, ...

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The impact and relevance of non-fungible tokens (NFT) on trademark protection of European wine brands

NFTs, among other digital technologies, have affected economies globally. The wine industry isn’t an exception, altering how brands address trademark protection. Wine has deep roots in Europe. Sales and GDP figures for 2022 and 2021 indicate Eur ...

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Protection of your trademark against commercial agent or representative’s registrations

Imagine that you do business in a foreign country and your business partner or commercial agent in this country has registered your trademark in his name and is not willing to transfer it to you. Or imagine that you have filed an international applica ...

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Millennium Falcon shoots down Millennial Falcon trademark

In a case decided under the ACR (Accelerated Case Resolution) regime at the TTAB (Trademark Trial and Appeal Board) Lucasfilm’s opposition against “Millennial Falcon” was sustained for live entertainment and production services. The Board said that Mi ...

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10 Years Anniversary of MIPLM and I3PM at WIPO with Trademark and Open Source Software Management and Career Opportunities for IP Managers

The celebration was held in the WIPO headquarters building in Geneva, at September 21, 2017. Distinguished speakers gave insights in current developments of trademark management, free & open source software (“FOSS”) challenges and education/career ...

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