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How can the industry profit from sustainability and IP? – The CTO sustainability day

The latest edition of the CTO-Forum of the Rudolf-Diesel-Medal was organized on 18.07.2024 around the topics sustainability and intellectual property. Sustainability is becoming in the last years an ever more important topic, which decision makers in ...

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Where business meets intellectual property: The Rudolf Diesel Medal award ceremony 2024, Europe’s oldest prize for innovation

The Rudolf Diesel Medal, Europe’s oldest innovation prize, has been awarded since 1953 in memory of the innovator Rudolf Diesel for commercially successful, entrepreneurial innovation achievements. The award honours entrepreneurial personalities ...

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Leaky Pipeline: The EU’s Missed Potential in Women-Led Innovation

By Ines Duhanic and Jörn Plettig Intellectual property law plays a crucial role in fostering innovation within the European Union (EU). It provides a legal framework for inventors and creators to protect their ideas, incentivizing them to bring new in ...

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IP management challenges in the digital era

Currently the digital transformation is transforming all industries at an enormous speed and while most innovation came not so long ago from engineers and natural scientists in the R&D departments, now programmers in newly established digital depa ...

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IP, Innovation, SDG, ESG & Sustainability Key Linkages

Innovation, Intellectual Property (IP), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and sustainability are now very important interconnecting concepts in both the business, corporate & academic worlds. Their ...

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Training at Parqio: IP-design for a PropTech Start-up

In recent years, the real estate industry has witnessed a transformative wave, thanks to the emergence of PropTech, or Property Technology. PropTech represents the fusion of technology and real estate, aiming to streamline processes, enhance efficienc ...

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New work and the consequences for the invention process

New work and changed expectations by a younger generation of employees on how workplaces should be organized and how to collaborate seemed to be for many just buzzwords. But the pandemic with its sudden increase of home office work places and remote c ...

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IP strategy development and invention harvesting: MIPLM Dinner speech by Dr. Robert Klinski

In the last week of January 2024 the MIPLM started at the CEIPI with the first module on IP Strategy development. IP Strategy development is the first core process which is defined in the relevant standards for quality in IP management and innovation ...

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Case Study: Signify and the SAILS Methodology

The SAILS approach was originally developed as a road-mapping tool for analyzing disruptive threats to a company’s business model. SAILS is an acronym and stands for the initials of the individual methodological building blocks: (S) Standards, (A) Arc ...

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Job offer Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH: Patent Engineer

Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH was founded in 1851 in Tuebingen, Germany, and has today more than 1.700 employees and 21 subsidiaries, which supply over 110 countries with their products. In the 5th generation, the family-owned company develops, produces an ...

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