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AI assisted Inventing: New Case Study at the MIPLM

How can AI be used to systematically develop patent portfolios, analyze patent literature, perform feature comparisons and support the entire invention process? These were the questions discussed in the final module of the MIPLM (Master for Intellectu ...

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IP Awareness Building under New Work Conditions: Creating a LinkedIn profile – steps to a successful online presentation

Creating a Stellar LinkedIn Profile: Your Digital Professional Identity In today’s digitally connected world, your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression you make on potential employers, clients, or professional contacts. It’s more ...

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HTB forum: IP strategy and management – Connect One and IoT in gastronomy and beyond

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it is critical that companies remain innovative and keep up with the latest technologies to stay competitive. A company that has successfully implemented this approach is Connect One, who is presenting ...

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New Master Program “IP and Tech Transfer” a WIPO, CEIPI, EPO, EUIPO, I3PM cooperation at Sofia University

Prof. Vladia Borisova PhD is the President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the director of this new, outstanding degree program – a flagship project in the academic education of IP Management. The aim is to train highly qual ...

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Report of the academic year 2022/23

With the defences of the Master theses and Diploma projects in September and October 2023 a successful academic year ended and a new one is about to start. In the last year 22 Master students and 11 Diploma students as well as participants in the vari ...

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IP management lecture: IP compliance, portfolio management, effectiveness and efficiency

When it comes to effectiveness and efficiency in IP management, this can only be achieved based on a high-quality IP management system. No matter which aspect of IP management an organization wants to tackle, it is vital that the processes and procedu ...

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Co-labelled University Diploma in IP Business Administration CEIPI/EPO

Knowledge about IP management is becoming more and more important for the success of SMEs during the fourth industrial revolution, but many SMEs and startups still do not utilize it to its full extent. This is not only caused by a lack of resources, b ...

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Interview with Dr. Jürgen Eiselt about the suitability of a digital learning platform for imparting know-how on IP management

Dr. Eiselt, you are an experienced IP manager who has also worked in several international companies. Why do you think IP management is becoming increasingly important for companies? As a holder of a doctorate in physics and a long-time executive, I a ...

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Interview with Mr. Korbinian Kopf about continuous education and training in IP management using digital resources

Mr. Kopf, you are an experienced patent attorney who is also involved a lot in international patent litigation, especially for large multinational corporations. Why do you think IP management is becoming increasingly important for companies and also f ...

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