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Superfakes: The New Level of Deception

The allure of luxury goods has never been stronger. From designer handbags to high-end sneakers, the desire to own prestigious brands permeates our culture. You have heard of counterfeit products before, but the so-called “superfakes” take deception t ...

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Is the EU Falsified Medicine Directive efficient to curb counterfeits?

The article analyses the 2019 amendment of the EU Falsified Medicine Directive that introduced Article 54(a) and Article 4. The provisions are incorporated to protect the interest of patients. They are closely associated with the European Union Trade ...

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Schattdecor: IP Strategy for digital Watermark against counterfeiting

Schattdecor is able to print a watermark which is invisible to the naked eye on furniture decor. Only a mobile phone camera with a special app can make the trademark protected sign visible. On this path to the digitalization of furniture decors, compl ...

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Nike Blockchain Patent Strategy: CryptoKicks against counterfeiting

The U.S. multinational corporation that is engaged in design, manufacturing and marketing of sports footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories, Nike, patented ‘CryptoKicks’ to track counterfeits. The company got granting from the US Patent and Trade ...

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Worldwide fight against plagiarism on the Internet: How Swarovski defends itself against pirates – the Director Global IP Enforcement reports at the MIPLM

Swarovski deals with plagiarism and counterfeiting of its products on trading platforms around the world. But through the cooperation with the Chinese Internet platform alibaba and the use of its own enforcement group, a first success was achieved.

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