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How to optimize your scope of patent protection? – External Parameters used for defining Claim Features

IP-Managers in large international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions. One of the reasons for this effect is that the patent applications are drafte ...

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How to optimize your scope of patent protection? – Method Features in Apparatus Claims

IP-Managers in large international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions. One of the reasons for this effect is that the patent applications are drafte ...

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How to optimize your scope of patent protection? – The Usage of Product Names or Trademarks in Claims

IP-Managers in large international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions. One of the reasons for this effect is that the patent applications are drafte ...

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How to optimize your scope of patent protection? – Mixing Application and Training of AI

IP-Managers in large international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions or that the obtained scope of protection is comparatively narrow in the other ...

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How to optimize your scope of patent protection? – Method Steps performed by Users

IP-Managers in large international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions or that the obtained scope of protection is comparatively narrow in the other ...

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How to optimize your scope of patent protection? – Case example: Divided infringement

IP-Managers in large international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions or that the obtained scope of protection is comparatively narrow in the other ...

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