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Functional food and the digital revolution: MIPLM case study IP strategy development

People are increasingly looking for foods which solve their health problems. In recent years, manufacturers have developed products with additives they claim to be beneficial for people’s health and wellbeing. This has resulted in a new category ...

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IP management trends in the digital transformation: 1st Module of the MIPLM 2023-2024

The digital transformation changes every aspect of our lives, which includes the way IP is used and how IP work is organized in companies. The objects that are now protected by IP become increasingly more digital and such digital IP is also increasing ...

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Top 3 misconceptions about AI that IP practitioners should be aware of – Job offer Patent Engineer

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been part of my career for almost two decades now. Initially in my electrical engineering studies and in scientific research, in software development, and then of course, mostly as inventions to be patented. In the fol ...

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IP strategy development and invention harvesting: MIPLM Dinner speech by Dr. Robert Klinski

In the last week of January 2024 the MIPLM started at the CEIPI with the first module on IP Strategy development. IP Strategy development is the first core process which is defined in the relevant standards for quality in IP management and innovation ...

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Decoding excellence: unleashing IP Management insights through industry case studies

The increased convergence of technology and legal intricacies poses both challenges and opportunities for contemporary businesses. To this end, an ongoing cooperation project between the CEIPI IP Business Academy and the I3PM  – International In ...

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Case Study: Signify and the SAILS Methodology

The SAILS approach was originally developed as a road-mapping tool for analyzing disruptive threats to a company’s business model. SAILS is an acronym and stands for the initials of the individual methodological building blocks: (S) Standards, (A) Arc ...

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Red Ocean, Blue Ocean and Black Ocean IP Strategies

Companies like Netflix, Cirque du Soleil, Nintendo managed to attract new customers and completely differentiate from their competitors by creating new markets. Cirque du Soleil, developed a new cirque style and managed to attract a new audience that ...

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Case Study IMEC: IP in cooperations

During the mid of the 20th century the character of science dramatically changed, when further progress became more and more only possible due to large scale project with immense budgets. Many big research institutions outside of universities were fou ...

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Lecturer Portrait: Dr. Malte Köllner on inventions made by generative AI

The IP-Management program at CEIPI is by far the most successful executive management program in IP in Europe. Since 2005, CEIPI has offered a comprehensive IP Management education, for which it develops case studies with C-Level executives and heads ...

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New Master Program “IP and Tech Transfer” a WIPO, CEIPI, EPO, EUIPO, I3PM cooperation at Sofia University

Prof. Vladia Borisova PhD is the President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the director of this new, outstanding degree program – a flagship project in the academic education of IP Management. The aim is to train highly qual ...

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