A study on the “digitalization of client relationships, IP awareness building and business development via social media for IP experts” has been running at the CEIPI IP Business Academy since summer 2022. Currently, we see that the IP system is affected by the accelerating digital transformation. The interaction patterns between lawyers/attorneys and clients are changing, as well as the professional exchange between IP experts is shifting. Also, the initiation of personal contacts has changed and is done often via social media. LinkedIn, a network designed for professional relationships, is growing at 15% a year with over 830 million members and is by far the most important network for legal counsels and IP professionals. But the proper use of LinkedIn for awareness building and business development under the “New Work conditions” is a great challenge for IP experts as well as for law firms, IP boutiques and service providers. This interview series highlights best practice in the IP community.

John Austin-Brooks is Commercial Manager (Business Development & Marketing) at Abel + Imray. Abel + Imray is a leading European firm of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys handling all aspects of intellectual property, that advises clients ranging from multinationals to smaller companies in all aspects of obtaining, using and enforcing patents, registered trademarks, registered designs and other related rights.

During the interview, the following questions were addressed:

  • What is the difference between “having many followers or contacts” and having a high engagement rate? Which of these is more important for IP experts.
  • What role does one’s profile play in awareness building and business development in the IP community?
  • Who should you network and share with? What role does the style of communication play?
  • What role does sharing content on LinkedIn play in successful business development and positioning oneself as an IP expert?
  • What is the relationship between one’s own personal expert brand and the corporate brand, and how do they interact meaningfully on LinkedIn?

The International Institute for IP Management will provide with their Social Media Agency training videos free of charge on their content portal for IP and IP management about this topics.

Here is the recorded video from the CEIPI IP Business Talk with John Austin-Brook from Abel + Imray about the best practice in awareness building and business development in IP on LinkedIn from 3.05.2023 in full length viewable: