A study on the “digitalization of client relationships, IP awareness building and business development via social media for IP experts” has been running at the CEIPI IP Business Academy since summer 2022. Currently, we see that the IP system is affected by the accelerating digital transformation. The interaction patterns between lawyers/attorneys and clients are changing, as well as the professional exchange between IP experts is shifting.

Also, the initiation of personal contacts has changed and is done often via social media. LinkedIn, a network designed for professional relationships, is growing at 15% a year with over 830 million members and is by far the most important network for legal counsels and IP professionals. But the proper use of LinkedIn for awareness building and business development under the “New Work conditions” is a great challenge for IP experts as well as for law firms, IP boutiques and service providers. This interview series highlights best practice in the IP community.

Robert Henke is Head of Business Development at noventive – IP securely protected. The noventive group consists of a technology company, an innovative patent law firm and various brands and services, whose vision is to protect tomorrow’s most innovative ideas with the latest technologies.

Noventive was founded with the idea of building a fully digitalized patent law firm with a focus on customer experience. In this way, they can attract very experienced attorneys who work 100% digitally, and are thus more efficient and flexible in their working style. Also, clients benefit from transparency in drafting, predictability with fixed prices, lean processes, and digital portfolio management including real-time collaboration with their attorney. In the future, clients will also be able to work independently of noventive with their existing law firms and thus manage their entire portfolio themselves.

During the interview, the following questions were addressed:

  • What is the expectation of clients in patent attorneys and law firms and how to highlight those aspects to the clients?
  • How should patent attorneys and law firms position themselves to be different in the market?
  • How can law firms become more digital and what does this mean for communication on Social Media?
  • What is a “personal brand” and how to identify the target group of your communication?
  • When to build your digital network and how to utilize it?

The International Institute for IP Management will provide with their Social Media Agency training videos free of charge on their content portal for IP and IP management about this topics.

Here is the recorded video from the CEIPI IP Business Talk with Robert Henke from noventive about the best practice in awareness building and business development in IP on LinkedIn from 1.6.2023 in full length viewable: