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EPO Conference: “Patenting Artificial Intelligence – Current Practice and Challenges” now available online

This event was the first conference on patenting AI technologies held at one of the major patent offices for China, Japan, South Korea, and the USA. The current topic attracted more than 350 participants from industry, academia, user associations, pat ...

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Special Issue of les Nouvelles with the European Patent Office on Patent Strategies for SMEs with new MIPLM Case Studies on Industry 4.0

SMEs are a backbone for innovation in Europe. However, many SMEs lack a patent strategy – a phenomenon which has received much scrutiny. The European Patent Office has initiated a project to reveal SME patent strategies and document them for learning ...

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Sharp rise in industry 4.0 patent filings at EPO: 54% growth in three years

The European Patent Office (EPO) released its new study Patents and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: the inventions behind digital transformation in December 2017. Based on the patent data of EPO and the expertise of the examiners the study analyzed ...

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