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Who owns 5G and the future of the Internet of Things? Patent Analysis clears the thicket

5G mobile networks will support internet of things applications and deployments. The key features in 5G will benefit and boost the IoT and the impact of 5G across industries. This new technology will represent a fundamental shift in communication netw ...

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Broadcom’s patent infringement suits based on 18 patents against VW: One billion € claim and threat of production stop

The car has become a networked infotainment center in recent years. “Connectivity and state-of-the-art infotainment have found their way into all brands and all classes” announced VW CEO Martin Winterkorn, who has since stepped down, alrea ...

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IPlytics: With Big Data IP data analysis becomes a competitive advantage – Article in next Industry

The second issue of the new next Industry magazine is all about big data. Where does data generate the greatest benefit? Which markets and competitive developments are emerging? The articles revolve around this question along the digital transformatio ...

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IP management in the era of Chinese IP offensive

China is with Huawei the king in patent filings in Europe. For the first time, a Chinese company files more patent application at the European Patent Office than any other company. This is the top of an iceberg and gives a clear signal how strong Chin ...

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Special Issue of les Nouvelles with the European Patent Office on Patent Strategies for SMEs with new MIPLM Case Studies on Industry 4.0

SMEs are a backbone for innovation in Europe. However, many SMEs lack a patent strategy – a phenomenon which has received much scrutiny. The European Patent Office has initiated a project to reveal SME patent strategies and document them for learning ...

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Digital transformation at Wilo: Head of IP reports in the MIPLM on the success of the integration of IP and innovation management

On 23 March 2017, Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Kettner, Group Senior Director Innovation Excellence, reported on the integration of the IP and innovation process landscape at Wilo during his dinner speech at the Master’s Program for Intellectual Property L ...

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The Thermomix’s secret of success: The look and feel is patented

The multifunctional kitchen machine Thermomix is a huge success for Vorwerk. In a single financial year, the Wuppertal-based company was able to look forward to an increase in sales of over two million units. The Thermomix connected to the Internet is ...

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