The German gas company Linde and the direct US competitor Praxair reached an agreement in December on the merger. Linde’s head of IP Jacob Eisenberg reports at the master’s course in IP management at CEIPI in January in Strasbourg on how IP managers can successfully present their topics at board level in practice.

Jacob Eisenberg is a US and European patent attorney. After his experience at well-known industrial companies such as Verizon, Siemens, TomTom, Sanvik, Alstom and Osram, he joined Linde in January 2016 as Head of Intellectual Property at the Linde Group. Eisenberg is responsible for the entire IP management at Linde and reports directly to the CTO, Dr. Bruch. His special background is practical experience in IP management in both the USA’s and the European industry.

On January 24, 2017, Jacob Eisenberg spoke at the Dinner Speech on the Master’s Program for Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) at the University of Strasbourg. In his speech, he particularly emphasized the cultural differences in the “mindset” between experts and managers.

The subsequent discussion with the course participants lasted the whole evening.

The manuscript of the dinner speech: “Thoughts on how to present IP at the board and be understood”.