The course, which was organized and successfully held by the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) at the University of Strasbourg, attracted 35 participants from around the globe. Participants came from China, Korea, Japan, Brazil, India, Canada, the Philippines, Singapore, Chile, and some European countries including Finland, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Slovenia. Lecturers included CEIPI staff and IP specialists, from academics and patent and trademark attorneys to attorneys-at-law and members of the EUIPO management board. The summer course took 11 days – from Monday, July 2, to Friday, July 13, 2018. The aim of the course was to provide an academic and practical overview of the IP-related aspects of the European Union’s legal system, as well as concrete information about IP litigation in Europe. The course was predominantly aimed at students and practitioners looking to learn about the basics of the European IP system, but also at practitioners in Legal and R&D departments of European companies who wanted to better understand the European IP system. A special focus was placed on proceedings before the EPO and the EUIPO, as well on national laws of the three key countries involved in IP in Europe.

The full program is available [here].

Prof. Wurzer gave a presentation on IP Strategy in Europe along with industry insights into European best practice cases for IP strategy across different sectors, technologies, and business models. Digital transformation now dominates many C-suite and boardroom agendas across the European industrial landscape. To many corporations, it is still unclear to what extent and in which ways digitization will affect their business, value chains, competition, and customers. This presentation addressed the effects of digitization on IP strategies in different industries and provided an overview of best practices.