The digital transformation changes every aspect of our lives, which includes the way IP is used and how IP work is organized in companies. The objects that are now protected by IP become increasingly more digital and such digital IP is also increasingly used by traditional companies to protect digital business models against the competition from big tech or tech startups. One example for that is Hangrohe RainTunes.

But during the digital transformation also the way how companies interact and compete changes. Competitors becoming partners is a trend called coopetition that is visible especially in digital and platform based eco-systems. The digitalization of products enables eco-system operators to invite digital service providers to become partners in their eco-systems in a mutually beneficial way.

Finally, also the way how companies and IP experts interact changes. Fueled by the relocation to the home office during the COVID pandemic, the working environment has drastically changed for both private practice and in house IP departments. This poses challenges in IP departments, like the difficulty to promote IP in the organization while the staff is working hybrid or completely from home.

What are the upcoming IP management challenges in 2024?

Starting on 29th January 2024 the first module of the MIPLM was held at the Cardo of the CEIPI in Strasbourg with 28 students from all over the world. The 1st module of the MIPLM focusses on strategy development and the IP economy. In the first part of this module different scenarios are discussed how IP is developing in the framework of the digital transformation. The lectures also comprise questions about the knowledge economy and the role of IP in economic studies.

In the second part different approaches are presented how corporate strategies can be evaluated and generic IP strategies are developed and aligned with competitive strategic approaches. Especially the question, how IP strategies should be addressed to C-Level managers and can be effectively communicated, is discussed. Case study examples help to illustrate the key learnings from a practical side. In intensive group work with an international and interdisciplinary background the students learn, how to integrate patents, trademarks and design rights in a systematic way to create effective spheres of exclusivity around customer benefits and develop premium price strategies in b-to-b and b-to-c markets.

In the first group homework the students were tasked to describe, which IP management challenges they see in their working environment, and what the upcoming IP trends are in 2024. The tasks were:

  1. Please read the IP trend monitor. Do you observe those trends in your industry/law firm?
  2. Please analyze the IP business academy trend radar and weight the topics in the radar by relevance. Are important trends missing?

Here are their solutions:

Any opinions expressed in the presentations are those of the students and do not reflect the opinions of their respective employers.