What’s the deal with DIN 77006? Is the standard a useful tool for implementing a one-stop IP management system?

Current challenges in the IP Landscape

With digitization, big data, IoT and AI technologies, managing intellectual property (IP) is becoming increasingly challenging for companies across all industries. While in the past it was easier to make clear distinctions between different technology areas, this is becoming increasingly difficult as certain technologies spread across technologies.

For example, well-established car manufacturers now have to deal with connected technologies for communication purposes or AI technologies for automated driving, and not just with more traditional technologies such as powertrain and chassis.

It is therefore important not to lose sight of the big picture when dealing with intellectual property rights. In today’s IP landscape, efficient and reliable IP management is key to mapping and structuring all the IP issues that arise.

Role of the DIN 77006

Here, DIN 77006 comes into play.

DIN 77006 provides a guideline for the quality of IP management to enhance long-term business strategy and success, and includes the following topics:

Therefore, the DIN standard covers all the essential areas of an One-Stop IP Management System and provides guidance on how to implement such an IP Management System tailored to meet the specific needs of the company at hand.

For example, IP risk management is defined as all systematic measures to identify, analyze, assess, manage and control IP and IP risks. The latter include the potential destruction or restriction of existing IP and the risk potential of third-party IP rights to one’s own business activities, for example through potential infringement of third party IP rights.

According to the DIN 77006 IP risk management for example comprises:

  • monitoring third party IP rights and competitor activities;
  • monitoring the legal status of foreign IP rights; and
  • checking and updating the search profiles and applied criteria on a regular basis.

In this way, threats from third party IP can be identified in good time and appropriate measures can be determined in order to successfully implement the company’s objectives and to avoid unwanted investments or obstacles. By carrying out this type of analysis at an early stage, time, money and effort can be saved.

Monitoring competitors and patent landscaping helps a company to define and implement its business strategy and market position. Landscaping allows you to understand how the industry is evolving. It identifies competitors’ global activities and highlights their strengths and strategies. Further insight into the patent filing strategy of competitors or new players can be identified with a potential for M&A possibilities, R&D investments and other business opportunities.

As illustrated above for the topic of risk management, DIN 77006 provides an overview and recommended actions for the essential topics of an IP management system.

Implementation of an IP management system according to DIN 77006

In order to effectively address and implement an IP management system, it must be tailored to the company’s specific needs.

For example, in relation to a patent monitoring system mentioned above, a search profile usually needs to be implemented. The search profile typically includes the competitors, the markets and the technologies in which the company is involved. Such a search profile should be adapted to the specific and individual needs and business strategy. In particular, the number of search results must be in line with the size of the company’s IP department. Otherwise, the search results will not be thoroughly analyzed.

This is also a key point when implementing processes related to other aspects of the IP management system. The processes need to be tailored to the specific needs of the company. Logically, the requirements for an IP management system are different for a DAX company than for an SME.


The implementation of DIN 77006 clearly helps companies across industries to structure their IP management solutions. However, the implementation of the DIN 77006 processes must be tailored to the specific needs of the company. If the needs of the company are taken into account when implementing DIN 77006, the standard is certainly a useful tool and not an administrative monster. Therefore, companies should be supported by legal and regulatory experts when implementing processes according to the DIN 77006 standard.

About the blogpost author:

As a Patent Attorney at COHAUSZ & FLORACK, Felipe von Heereman advises national and international companies from the field of engineering in all areas of intellectual property rights, in particular in patent prosecution and litigation. The technical areas he deals with on a daily basis are battery technology, foundry technology, semiconductor technology, conveyor technology, medical technology and sanitary technology.

During his studies of Business Administration and Engineering with a focus on Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, he was able to gain practical experience with renowned airlines and automobile manufacturers. This enabled him to consistently expand his expertise in the fields of energy and automotive engineering. After his studies he completed his training as a patent attorney at COHAUSZ & FLORACK. He has been admitted to practice before the European Patent Office since 2019 and is a Patent Attorney with COHAUSZ & FLORACK since April 2020.