The High-growth Technology Business (HTB) community is an initiative to support business decision makers in SMEs by raising awareness about the relevance of intellectual property for their business. The High-growth Technology Business initiative regularly organizes events for decision makers like the High-growth Technology Business Conferences (HTBC), which was organized the first time in 2019 in Dublin and since then online, and other topic-specific events, e.g. on MedTech.

The initiative has partners all over Europe, amongst them: Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP), Center for Intellectual Property (CIP), Center for Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), Enterprise Ireland, European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA), European IP Helpdesk, INSME: International Network for SMEs, European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA), European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) and International Institute for IP Management (I3PM). On July 14.-15.2023 supporters of the HTB initiative met in Munich at Bardehle Pagenberg for the first HTB summer camp to discuss how to better raise awareness amongst decision makers for the economic relevance of IP.

One session focussed specifically about awareness building on digital channels like LinkedIn and the best practice of creating an online community. The presentation gave insights about the key principles of social media, the LinkedIn algorithm and the social media best practice with campaign examples for past HTB events by IPBA Social Gateway, the social media agency supporting the IP experts of I3PM. The presentation slides can be found here: