In September 2019, the IP-Management program at CEIPI will start a brand-new, full distance learning diploma: the Diplôme Universitaire IP business administration. The IP-Management program at CEIPI is by far the most successful executive management program in IP in Europe. Management education must change the direction of business practice. Since 2005, CEIPI has offered a comprehensive IP Management education, for which it develops case studies with C-Level executives and heads of IP from industry, to prove the success of its methods, skills and knowledge. The participants of the program come from industry, private practice, and institutions around the globe. We focus on strategic challenges of businesses, concrete implementation and success controlling. Whether our participants are managers from industry, entrepreneurs, start-up fellows or representatives from institutions, we create a unique learning experience for them with integrated legal, economic, and management knowledge and skills, enabling them to come to meaningful decisions. Through the new Diplôme Universitaire all this becomes easily accessible through distance learning, and students can learn where and when they want alongside their job. The diploma also provides the necessary theoretical foundation to access the master program of the MIPLM, established in 2005, more easily with half the examinations already accredited. There, students can deepen their knowledge with practical case study work in international multidisciplinary teams and in-class lectures. Very qualified students can then even aim for a PhD in IP-Management.

During the diploma course, two years of academic education take place through one of the most advanced distance learning platforms worldwide, at the University of Strasbourg, CEIPI. The diploma is comprised of eight University Certificates on IP-Management, which can be acquired in four semesters, alongside work under continuous supervision and accompaniment. The lecture time of a certificate course corresponds to ten teaching units of 1.5 hours each during semesters. In addition to the lecture movies, participants will also receive self-study material, additional teaching material, collaborative exchange, feedback and a continuous monitoring of their learning progress. In one academic year, four certificate courses must be completed, equivalent to about 60 hours of lessons or 1.5 hours of teaching and learning per week during the semester. The content and learning targets of all eight certified university courses are as follows:

  • IP Strategy Development (Link)
  • IP Valuation (I) (Link)
  • Integrated IP and Innovation Management (Link)
  • IP in the Industry 4.0 (Link)
  • IP Valuation (II) (Link)
  • Quality in Operational IP Management (Link)
  • IP Portfolio Management and Controlling (Link)
  • Leadership in IP management (Link)

These certificates are more than just a delivery of content. They provide a holistic approach on IP Management, with solid theoretical basis and prevailing up to date insight in industry practice. The certificate courses help participants to implement the knowledge gained in their daily practice. Successful implementations are presented within published industry case studies. This IP-Management education is academically accredited, neutral, unbiased, and comprehensive industry wide. The courses are based on current research projects with university and industry partners to provide the best knowledge available about successful IP-Management. The provided learning material is optimized for distance learning and integrated within the whole IP-Management education program at CEIPI. Movies, lectures, scripts, glossaries and additional teaching material are given to ensure that participants can follow all certificates with integrated and consistent content.

The Diplôme Universitaire starts in September 2019 with the first Certified University Course “IP Strategy Development”. The next Certified University Courses always become available after a 3-month period to the publication of the previous Course, so that after 2 years all Courses are available and students starting in September 2019 can finish the Diplôme Universitaire after 2 years.

Here you can find the information about the enrollment process and the program of the Diplôme Universitaire IP business administration.