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Superfakes: The New Level of Deception

The allure of luxury goods has never been stronger. From designer handbags to high-end sneakers, the desire to own prestigious brands permeates our culture. You have heard of counterfeit products before, but the so-called “superfakes” take deception t ...

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Leveraging Intellectual Property as a Strategic Tool: A Case Study of Laerdal Medical

When it comes to innovation in the healthcare education field, one company stands as a beacon of excellence, driven not only by its commitment to saving lives but also by its strategic approach to intellectual property (IP) management. Laerdal Medical ...

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Beyond the Share Button: SMEs and the Intricacies of Copyright on Social Media

Social media presents a golden opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand their reach, connect with customers, and showcase their products and services. However, this vibrant online landscape also presents certain challenges a ...

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Decoding excellence: unleashing IP Management insights through industry case studies

The increased convergence of technology and legal intricacies poses both challenges and opportunities for contemporary businesses. To this end, an ongoing cooperation project between the CEIPI IP Business Academy and the I3PM  – International In ...

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Empowering European Craft and Industrial Producers: The New Legal Regime on Geographical Indications

Summary: The new Regulation on Geographical Indication (GI) protection, effective from December 1, 2025, introduces a harmonized framework. Led by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), it streamlines protection, fosters authenticity ...

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NFTs in IP strategy of a company: New research project at MIPLM

NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are becoming more and more economically important, especially with the emergence of web 3.0. There, a host of new use cases in cryptocurrency, the metaverse, digital media and the arts becomes possible. This leads companies ...

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Trademark licensing

Generally speaking, trademark licensing is a way for the trademark owner to further commercialize his intellectual property asset(-s) by allowing someone else to use his trademark under the terms defined by the trademark license agreement. From franch ...

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Mobile app protection

Even though they are a relatively recent phenomenon, mobile apps became an inalienable part of our day-to-day experiences. The study of Newark-French already ten years ago found that consumers spend more time with mobile apps than on the web. Today, i ...

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