Outdooractive is the only company in the world that builds a full-service SaaS solutions for all players in tourism and brings the guests directly to all travel information and inspiration. Data management, marketing, web and app technology – all of their solutions have one goal: to give the service provider the means to satisfy the guests and customers. On the Outdooractive platform, all of the content  is stored, managed, structured, and easily maintained in one place. At the same time, content from millions of users and business partners is linked and ready to inspire guests and customers. In this unique constellation between the guest, the company and all of the partners, Outdooractive is creating the digital travel guide of the world. They aim to create a perfect platform: A virtual home for all outdoor enthusiasts. People with an active lifestyle find everything to experience more outside in nature and all locations where the outdoor community from all over the world gathers. The Outdooractive platform is a source of inspiration, a reliable route planner and a digital travel guide. How to protect such digital solutions with the IP-design method, was the topic of a training by Prof. Wurzer at Outdooractive at 29.11.2022.

With the help of Outdooractive partners can digitalize and manage their destination while creating the digital travel guide of a region that inspires. For all destination managers and their destinations there is an opportunity to become digitalized, be visible and directly bookable without any commission, and offer guests great digital experiences. Destinations can also increase brand awareness, strengthen their image, and leverage their reach in the perfect marketplace. Outdooractive are advocates for environmental programs and solutions that affect positive change for our planet’s ecosystems.

The research about digital platforms has been extended to include crucial aspects in recent years. The focus is on the observation that more and more markets are “two-sided”, like the Outdooractive platform. “Two-Sided Markets” were intensively studied for the first time by Jean Tirole and Jean Charles Rochet. Their 2005 essay is considered a milestone and was the main reason for the Nobel Prize Committee to honor Jean Tirole in 2014. Abstractly, “two-Sided Markets” can be defined as markets in which one or more platforms connect two customer groups with each other and have both sides pay for this service in some form. “Two-Sided Markets” exist in different forms: Dating platforms, credit cards, PCs or auctions are analytically similar in terms of the described “triangular relationship”.

Source: Järvi, Kati. (2017). Ecosystem architecture design. 10.13140/RG.2.2.22551.47523.

In the context of Industry 4.0, however, two-sided markets get a special relevance: The digital platforms are moving into the center of market structures and are increasingly displacing traditional one-sided markets. These digital platforms can be defined as products, services or technologies that serve as the basis for a large number of companies to offer complementary products, services and technologies.

Learn about the IP protection of digital two-sided markets and master the digital transformation in the Certified University Course: https://ipbusinessacademy.org/certified-university-course-ip-and-industry-4-0