In November 2020, the IP-Management program at CEIPI will offer the fifth version of the Executive IP management days. This time they are organized fully in distance learning. Participants will be awarded a University Certificate from CEIPI. The full program and application for are available here.

The executive management days are revolving about the topics of digital patents and IP risk management. Digitalization changes the way how products are developed and who develops products. It is less classical R&D and more digital and software developers. This leads to an increase in digital patents, which have a more business and use case orientation compared to classical patents. But, through this change in patent activities also new challenges regarding IP, business, and legal risks appear. New competitors from digital industries with their own patent activities and existing digital patent portfolios are threatening the freedom to operate (FTO) of new products. So, there is a need for IP risk assessment of these new threats.

The executive management days are organized as both a presentation of the current state of the art and an exchange of experience of the participants from industry. The topics which are presented there comprise:

  • Introduction to digital patents: Moritz Breitenbach (B.Braun)
    • What are digital patents?
    • What is their role in digital business models?
    • How do digital patents protect digital business models?
  • Introduction to the patenting of use cases: Theo Grünewald (Wurzer & Kollegen)
    • What is the difference between traditional and digital patents?
    • How does the patenting of use cases differ to the patenting of technology?
    • What are examples for the patenting of use cases.
  • IP compliance: Martin Salzburger (Airbus)
    • What are IP risks and corporate compliance in industry 4.0?
    • What are the typical risk sources?
    • What is the best practice in risk management?
  • AI-based third-party rights analysis: Roland Bittner (Siemens)
    • Digital business models are increasingly complex, and this also makes FTO analysis more complex.
    • The number of patent application has risen, and AI tools might help with the FTO analysis.
    • How to search for and filter digital patents with AI?
  • DIN77006 – Requirements for an IP management system: Wolfgang Berres (Wurzer & Kollegen)
    • What is the purpose of the DIN 77006 Standard?
    • Why do we need it now?
    • How does the PDCA cycle in IP management improve processes?
  • IP risk assessment: Axel Karl (X-IP)
    • What are IP risks?
    • What is IP risk assessment?
    • What are current challenges in IP risk assessment?

The speakers will introduce the topic and then leave room for discussion amongst the audience.

Moderator is:

Prof. Dr. Alexander Wurzer

Dr. Wurzer is Adjunct Professor for IP Management at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Industrielle, CEIPI) at the University of Strasbourg, where he has been Director of Studies for the Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) since 2007. Prof. Dr. Wurzer is Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Institute for Intellectual Property Management at Steinbeis University Berlin. He is Managing Partner at WURZER & KOLLEGEN GmbH, a consulting firm specializing in strategic IP management. Prof. Dr. Wurzer is Chairman of DIN committees DIN 77006 for quality in IP management and DIN 77100 for patent valuation. He is a member of the Board of Directors of “Deutsches Institut für Erfindungswesen e.V.” (D.I.E.), Spokesman of the Board of Trustees awarding the Diesel Medal, and Fellow at the Alta Scuola Politecnica at Milan/Turin Polytechnic. He was also a jury member for the 2018 German Innovation Award of the German Design Council and is a member of the group of experts of the European Commission.

Speaker are:

Moritz Breitenbach

Moritz Breitenbach studied Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology at ETH Zurich and obtained his Master of Science in Biochemistry and Immunology. He is qualified as German and European Patent Attorney. In 2018, he obtained his Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, France. He works as an In-house Patent Counsel at B. Braun Melsungen AG.


Theo Grünewald

He is senior consultant at WURZER & KOLLEGEN GmbH and a research fellow at the Steinbeis Transfer Institute for Intellectual Property Management at Steinbeis University Berlin. He is a lecturer at the Master’s degree course in Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies at the University of Strasbourg. Mr. Grünewald has authored numerous publications on IP strategy development, IP management, and IP valuation and is also a member of the DIN committees DIN 77006 for quality in IP management and DIN 77100 for patent valuation.


Martin Salzburger

Martin Salzburger has a background in the automotive industry, worked for Daimler and Volkswagen. For more than 12 years he is IPR-portfolio manager at AIRBUS. He worked in different leading functions for economic exploitation of IP at AIRBUS. He is engineer by training.


Roland Bittner

Roland Bittner studied electrical engineering with emphasis on control engineering and communications engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He graduated with a diploma thesis about reactive power compensation in electrical power networks. Since then he is working for a large German technology and electrical engineering group. He started his career in the field of rolling mill technology and worked for it in Asia and North America. After that he worked in a service department for motion control products for machine tools and production machines. In 2000 he joined the patent department of the company and was trained as a German and European Patent Attorney. He was also trained in US patent law and passed the US patent bar. In 2019 he graduated from the University of Strasbourg, passing the CEIPI Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management.

Wolfgang Berres

Wolfgang Berres had worked for Siemens AG in the IT and communication technology sector for more than 20 years before joining WURZER & KOLLEGEN in 2009. There he is responsible for IP Operations. At the same time, he is the managing director of Altracon S.A., Luxembourg, a technology consulting company. As a member of the DIN Working Committee on Quality in Intellectual Property Management, Wolfgang Berres was involved in the development of DIN 77006. He is co-author of the book “360° IP Strategy” on IP management.


Axel Karl

Axel Karl is German Patent Attorney and founder of the Munich based Law Firm X-IP. He holds a diploma in electrical engineering and economics from the Technical University in Berlin and a master’s degree (LL.M.) from CEIPI Strasbourg for IP Law and IP Management. Axel worked 15 years in global telecommunications and IT companies such as Cisco Systems.