Intellectual property has become a crucial factor and driving force in the knowledge-based economy. Due to digitalization, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and the digital transformation of business eco-systems, the economic development and competitiveness of companies depends more and more on the generation and exploitation of their knowledge. Intellectual property can convert investment in competitive advantages into economic benefits. Thus, IP-based appropriation strategies form the basis of creating value and beneficial competitive positions for companies to achieve sustainable success with business models and innovation activities.

The High-growth technology business (HTB) Community is driven by the mission to support decision makers in technology driven businesses (especially in SMEs) by sharing how intellectual property can support their business. HTB Community focuses on IP strategy, operational excellence, financing and managing various strategic transactions, all underpinned by intellectual assets. The HTB Community was initiated by the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) and is part of the LESI-EPO joint HTB Initiative following the success of the HTB Conference 2019 in Dublin:

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The IP Business Academy summarizes the IP management education at CEIPI. The IP Business Academy was founded in 2019 with the vision to be a platform for IP knowledge and to have a positive impact on global innovation systems. On the one hand, the IP Business Academy was founded on the initiative of the Diesel Board of Trustees, a union of European medium-sized companies, funding amongst others research measures on innovation. On the other hand, it originated from the European Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), the central research center for IP in Europe. These two institutions have been working together for years and, among other things, collaborate in the graduate school in IP management together. Our mission is giving access to IP management knowledge worldwide and improving the economic use and benefit of IP through innovation and progress.

HTB community and IP Business Academy join forces to communicate IP management knowledge on Social Media, especially on LinkedIn and will create joint formats to meet the needs of the target groups. In addition, the two institutions CEIPI and EPO agreed on planning joint academic education on IP management, based on the existing certificate, diploma and master program in IP management.