The IP-Management program at CEIPI is by far the most successful executive management program in IP in Europe. Since 2005, CEIPI has offered a comprehensive IP Management education, for which it develops case studies with C-Level executives and heads of IP from industry to prove the success of its methods, skills and knowledge. The students and lecturers of the program come from industry, private practice, and institutions from around the globe. The IP-Management education at CEIPI is modular, ranging from University Certificates, over the Diplôme Universitaire Intellectual Property Business Administration (DU IPBA), the Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM, Master (II), LLM) to the PhD in IP management. Here is an interview with Daniel Vasconcelos, who graduated in the Certified University Course IP Valuation.

IP business academy: What is your professional background and how did you come to the interesting area of IP and IP management?
Daniel Vasconcelos: Seven years ago, I was a biomedical engineer concluding his PhD in Immunology and implantable Biomaterials. During my PhD I invented a new medical device together with some colleagues but had no idea how to transfer it to Society. It was the first time I had to study what a patent is. It failed but it was the huge motivation that led me to study after-work Economics, Management and Intellectual Property Management. I was looking for practical experience in IP and IP Management and that was the reason why I moved to INESC TEC.

IPBA: How did your studies in the Certificate course IP Valuation expand your knowledge about IP management?
DV: I learned in the Certificate course about the basic management concepts, which greatly helped me to apply my IP knowledge in a business context. Cost, price and value have totally different meanings and many times are used as synonyms. This course explains in detail the rational underlying critical concepts and steps in IP valuation, making me confident to lead IP and knowledge transfer negotiations.

IPBA: How has taking the Certificate course helped you in your career and are there examples of situations where the knowledge from the course has helped you?
DV: After taking the course, I know how to deal with the challenging question about the pricing of technological solutions in very early stages. Those who work in Academia know these challenges but IP Valuation certificate course explains in detail how you can use different approaches in line with international standards to define negotiation options and successful agreements.

IPBA: Who would you recommend to take an IP Management Certificate course at CEIPI?
DV: Everyone who wants to expand their knowledge on IP management and wants to deal with IP in the bigger business context can profit from the course. It is helpful for members of an In-house IP department to support the business goals of the company, but also for external counsels a better understanding of the business needs of the clients is vital. 

IPBA: Do you think IP management and knowledge/skills from the Certificate courses will become more important and why?

DV: The high level of public funding in the academic context demands rigour and transparent IP valuation processes. It will be certainly an emergent topic, especially influenced by the effect of the digital transformation or the introduction of standard compliant IP management systems. Those topics are dealt with in depth in the CEIPI Certificate courses and help deal with future challenges.

About the interviewee:

Daniel Vasconcelos was born in Espinho (Portugal) in 1988 and is a Registered Tech Transfer Professional (RTTP). Currently, he is the Head of INESC TEC’s Technology Licensing Office (TLO) and his main goal is to boost the societal impact of the R&D results. Leading a team of two tech managers, Daniel paves the way for the development and commercialization of deep tech solutions, bridging the gap between the Lab and the Market. Daniel oversees a portfolio of 33 active patent families in ICT, medical technology, and instrumentation fields. He is also a consultant for INESC TEC spin-offs.

He is also a European IP Helpdesk Ambassador for Portugal, a pro-bono first-line IP support service for SMEs and partners of European projects. Daniel is also a member of renowned organizations that foster Intellectual Property and Knowledge Transfer, such as the ASTP, the TTO Circle, the PATLIB network and the I3PM, where he is a Committee Chair for Technology Transfer. He is an invited IP and Business Strategy speaker, including software and open-source licensing.

Daniel is an invited professor at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto for medical technology development (Biodesign) and Management courses.

He holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences, an MSc in Bioengineering, and an MSc in Innovation Economics and Management, all from U.Porto, and has extensive advanced training by the EPO, CEIPI, WIPO, and Harvard Law School.