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Beyond the Share Button: SMEs and the Intricacies of Copyright on Social Media

Social media presents a golden opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand their reach, connect with customers, and showcase their products and services. However, this vibrant online landscape also presents certain challenges a ...

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Walking the tight rope: Paparazzi Photographs, Personality Rights and Fair Use – A closer look at the jurisdictions of India and USA

Like most creative works, it is an established principle that copyright protection is extended to photographs. The water becomes murkier when the photographs in question are of public figures because, in addition to copyright over the artistry of phot ...

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Tencent is getting copyright for AI-dreamwriter article

AI can paint, compose and translate, and its results are often indistinguishable from human works. The ability to create something new is associated with the human trait of creativity, and this is often considered to be a central ability of human natu ...

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