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Webinar of CEIPI and INAPI: IP Protection of Digital Use Cases and Gamification

As younger generations are focusing more on digital solutions, brands today use gaming mechanics in their user experience to draw and retain these demands from their future customers. These game mechanics are broken down to; goals, reward mechanisms, ...

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Training at Elmos Semiconductor SE: Importance of the quality of IP-Management in the automotive sector

Elmos Semiconductor SE is a German manufacturer of semiconductor products founded in 1984 in Dortmund. It is the the world leader in mixed-signal integrated circuit solutions and develops, produces, and sells application-specific integrated circuits ( ...

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IP-Management series at CEIPI: Patent protection for digital solutions according to DIN77006

Since June 2020 the DIN77006 is in effect in Germany. It is the quality standard to design digital use cases and other solutions like apps, customer journeys and business models to make them patentable and free of third-party rights. This university s ...

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New research project at MIPLM: Quality in IP management to improve innovation success for United Arab Emirates

Since their inception in 1971, the United Arab Emirates have established a consistent image as an icon for innovation and creativity, enhancing their social and economic status, and transforming into a primary destination for talents and businesses in ...

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