The healthcare market is a fast growing sector, with around 6% growth per year. One especially relevant area within it are digital health solutions, like health apps. They open up new ways how to convey treatments and open the opportunity to consumer focused health care.

This new area of digital health also opens up opportunities for startups to conquer new markets untouched by established companies. But, to get and remain successful, they do not only need to excel on a technical and digital level. They also need to perform high quality IP management, which can compete with the other global player. This covers areas from data protection of medical data to the protection of the exclusivity of the digital service. Today, this needed quality can be achieved by the implementation of the DIN 77006 standard or ISO 56005 standard in IP management. The implementation of the standards was the topic of the training by Prof. Wurzer, CEIPI, at identifyHer.

One specific digital health area, which is estimated to have a 600 billion $ market size, are treatments for menopausal symptoms. Here, the Irish startup identifyHer created an app and wearable system to improve the treatment of menopausal symptoms with predictive healthcare. The wearable monitors the relevant health data of the wearer and gives access to it via an app. IdentifyHer is part of the 2022 cohort of the Grit International Female Accelerator which supports female entrepreneurs in digital health and life sciences and is cooperation partner of the IP business academy.

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The training slides presented by Prof. Wurzer can be viewed here: