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Why are IP management standards so important for companies?

Industry 4.0, AI and the Internet of Things are forcing companies to radically rethink how they manage intellectual property. Companies are developing new business models, use cases and applications with significant digital components, such as smart p ...

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IP Awareness Building under New Work Conditions: Framing of content

There are a number of reasons why IP professionals should think about creating awareness of IP and IP management. As the interim results of our study on Awareness Building for IP under New Working Conditions show, it makes sense for the business devel ...

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5G campus networks and IP: What are the real costs for industrial users?

Since the German Federal Network Agency started the application process for local 5G campus networks in November 2019, there has been an increasing number of reports about companies that have been allocated the corresponding local frequencies. There, ...

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MHP presents Tec-Impact Projection: Transformation of business eco-systems at the CTO spring forum at Google

On April 12th, at the CTO spring forum in the Google Engineering Center in Munich, a new type of analysis for transformation scenarios that become possible under the pressure of new technologies and other influencing factors for business eco-systems w ...

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LES working group “IP valuation”: Growing number of standard essential patents and protection of secrets as major challenges for IP valuation and management

The number of patents that are potentially or actually essential for the implementation of a technology standard is increasing dramatically and exacerbating the challenges that already exist today in dealing with such property rights and especially in ...

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Special Issue of les Nouvelles with the European Patent Office on Patent Strategies for SMEs with new MIPLM Case Studies on Industry 4.0

SMEs are a backbone for innovation in Europe. However, many SMEs lack a patent strategy – a phenomenon which has received much scrutiny. The European Patent Office has initiated a project to reveal SME patent strategies and document them for learning ...

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European Commission’s Anticipation and Guidelines for SEP Licensing Practice

While the patent policies of standard developing organizations (SDOs) are majorly for standard setting processes, the European Commission (EC) released a guideline for standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing practices on 29 November 2017.

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Sharp rise in industry 4.0 patent filings at EPO: 54% growth in three years

The European Patent Office (EPO) released its new study Patents and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: the inventions behind digital transformation in December 2017. Based on the patent data of EPO and the expertise of the examiners the study analyzed ...

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MIPLM cooperation with Japan Patent Office: Lecture on IP and M&A

Together with the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Master Program for Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) developed teaching material on the issue of IP strategies and M&A.

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Climate protection in the construction industry: The Schöck Isokorb® with the 360​​° IP strategy

Schöck Bauteile is an expert in heat and sound insulation. The thermal insulation elements from Schöck set standards in the construction industry with their physical properties. In order to keep the competition at a distance and to be as exclusive as ...

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