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IBM sues AirBnB: Infringement of digital patents on platform advertisements

Digital patents are increasingly relevant for infringement cases on digital use cases like “presenting advertising in an interactive service” and “improved navigation using bookmarks”. These technologies were patented by IBM many years ago and now, af ...

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Patent Strategies for Streaming Platforms: Mirriad Technologies helps Tencent with new AI based Business Models

The development of streaming platforms was the big step to transform the business ecosystem of the media sector and media is also for other sectors a leading example how the digital transformation changes the business. To make this change of business ...

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Disney is reinventing itself in the digital eco-system and wants a direct access to its customers

The Walt Disney Company is currently a classic, global media giant with just under $ 60 billion in sales and over 200,000 employees, who has successfully mastered the first wave of digital Transformation. Something not every media company can say abou ...

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