The digital transformation of the construction industry is in full swing. This opens up many options for making construction processes more efficient. Schöck is expanding its range of digital products and services along the entire value chain, accompanied by IP design. The company not only creates customer benefits with digital approaches, but also ensures sustainable innovation success and returns for future-oriented solutions through the enforceable exclusivity with IP.

Schöck combines its physical products and services with the digital requirements of customers. The driving force behind digitization is BIM (Building Information Modeling). The use of BIM leads to significant cost and time savings. BIM addresses issues such as more planning security, less time spent in the offer phase, more precise determination of quantities and costs, optimization of project control and less friction in the cooperation of all parties and trades. Digitization is currently turning the entire construction industry upside down. Thanks to the 5-dimensional digital twin (in addition to the 3-D model, cost and time factors are also taken into account), the increasingly complex projects can be processed more easily and those involved maintain an overview – even completely independently of individual people such as a project manager.

In the field report on IP design, Dr. Harald Braasch, Chief Technology Officer at Schöck AG and Hubert Fritschi, Head of Digitization, how the methodical approach of IP design helps to focus on the customer benefits of one’s own developments and to achieve exclusivity in these customer benefits through IP. The construction experts explain how IP design helps to develop new business models and what role IP design plays in the digitization of Schöck.

MIPLM case study on IP design at Schöck.


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