Training at the wvib Maschinenbau-Beirat: IP-Management for the industry 4.0 according to DIN 77006
Quality in IP-Management becomes more and more important for businesses who want to protect their digital business models due to the inevitability of the digital transformation. This is especially true for SMEs who want to remain competitive against the digital giants from the USA and China. To ensure the necessary quality in IP management, since 2020 the DIN 77006 standard „Intellectual Property Management Systems – Requirements” offers companies in Germany guidelines to setup and improve their IP management practice. What SMEs and their management need to know about the protection of digital solutions according to the DIN 77006, was the topic of a training by Prof. Wurzer at the wvib Schwarzwald AG at December, 7th 2021.
The wvib Schwarzwald AG is an association of mostly family owned SMEs in the region of Baden-Württemberg in Southwest Germany. It was founded in 1946 by business owners of the manufacturing industries and consists today of over thousand companies with more than 380 thousand employees. It aims for the networking between company managers to make the region more competitive and organizes seminars and other events. In October 2020 the “Maschinenbau-Beirat” was founded to better connect the managers of the mechanical engineering industry and to inform the public about the activities of the industry in the region. The special challenges of this industry regarding the digital transformation and possible solutions offered by high quality IP management were shown in the following presentation by Prof. Wurzer, CEIPI.
If you want to learn more about IP management in the digital transformation, please have a look at the training course “IP and Industry 4.0”, which is offered in distance learning at CEIPI.