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IP-Management in Start-Ups a challenging task: Conference from I3PM at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

With a European overview on best practice on IP-management issues in entrepreneurial environments, this conference is unique.

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Sharp rise in industry 4.0 patent filings at EPO: 54% growth in three years

The European Patent Office (EPO) released its new study Patents and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: the inventions behind digital transformation in December 2017. Based on the patent data of EPO and the expertise of the examiners the study analyzed ...

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Proof of success: Empirical study of the 360° IP strategy for the Thermomix and its digital ecosystem

The 360° IP strategy for the Thermomix TM5 was consistently and systematically designed in such a way that it covers all key customer benefits in its proprietary IP portfolio. The TM5 is not just a market leader in terms of the physical device, but it ...

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CTO autumn forum at MHP and Porsche: Digitization and agile development, WILO reports on new IP management

At the invitation of the new advisory board of the Diesel Board of Trustees, Dr. Markus Kirchler, partner and member of the MHP board of directors, a Porsche subsidiary for IT, strategy and management consulting, the CTO autumn forum 2017 took place i ...

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Innovation in medical technology for minimally invasive surgery: IP design as a leadership tool at W.O.M.

W.O.M. is the world leader in some areas of minimally invasive surgery. The company is a typical hidden champion in Germany. In the field of minimally invasive medicine, W.O.M. develops devices and accessories to enable doctors to operate with small i ...

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Control and switchgear construction 4.0: Rittal secures a central position in the networked industry of the future with IP

Through consistent digitalization, Rittal achieves many goals that previously seemed hardly possible. The acceleration of processes in control and switchgear construction, the increase of profit margins, the reduction of personnel costs and the reduct ...

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10 Years Anniversary of MIPLM and I3PM at WIPO with Trademark and Open Source Software Management and Career Opportunities for IP Managers

The celebration was held in the WIPO headquarters building in Geneva, at September 21, 2017. Distinguished speakers gave insights in current developments of trademark management, free & open source software (“FOSS”) challenges and education/career ...

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Thyssenkrupp: Building up effective IP coverage efficiently within an international engineering conglomerate

A lecture by Dr. Stephan Wolke, CEO thyssenkrupp Intellectual Property GmbH, on how the task of IP in the Thyssenkrupp Group ensures the ability to act in a business in a global context.

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European Best Practice in IP-Management at Siemens SIPCon2017

Siemens is not only of the most active patent applicants in Germany, they are a leading company in digitalization. With approx. 80 bn. in revenues and a true global footprint, Siemens develops path breaking solutions in many fields of the digital tran ...

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National IP strategy for Austria to improve competence in IP management

Austria presented its national IP strategy. In addition to countries such as Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China and the USA, the Alpine republic is committed to the challenge of not only creating and securing intellectual property, but also using it ...

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