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What do Siemens, Novartis, Nestlé and Aesculap think about the 360 ° IP strategy and IP design?

In the IP community, the 360 ° IP strategy with the case studies on the implementation of the IP design approach at the companies Vorwerk, Stöbich, Abus, Wilo, IFM, etc. was very well received. Some of the readers’ opinions are summarized here. ...

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Patent management in the telecommunications industry is crucial for success – current study

An analysis by the University of Mannheim shows that systematic patent management in knowledge-intensive industries such as ITC leads to greater innovation success. The degree of professionalism in patent management and the existence of a documented p ...

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The Thermomix phenomenon: a success story in digital transformation

In a very entertaining and impressive way, the two speakers Kai Schäffner, President of Vorwerk USA and Prof. Dr. Alexander Wurzer, Managing Director Wurzer & Kollegen, described the success story of the new Thermomix TM5 in the Marketing Club Mun ...

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IP management in product development for Industry 4.0 at the Institute for Product Development (IPEK) with DIFI

In addition to the digitization of production, Industry 4.0 is also about the digitization of product development. What should be considered when networking and creating platforms? How does the interaction between product development and production ta ...

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Smart home security market is growing: ABUS develops IP strategy

As the “Brand of the Century”, the ABUS brand stands for German quality in security technology, as well as for innovation and design. This is what the awards from Abus in recent years stand for, e.g. the “Most Innovative Brand Award” and the “Red Dot ...

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IPR-based business models are a decisive success factor for Industry 4.0

In the McKinsey & Company study “Industry 4.0 – How to navigate digitization of the manufacturing sector”, the management consultants show which important trends there are around the next stage of the industrial revolution; The a ...

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Smart Factory: IFM develops IP strategy for innovative sensor technology

When developing the next generation of optical sensors, IFM, a leading company in sensor technology, integrated its innovation and IP management in order to support the strategic goals, to focus more on IP activities and, last but not least, to make s ...

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The Thermomix’s secret of success: The look and feel is patented

The multifunctional kitchen machine Thermomix is a huge success for Vorwerk. In a single financial year, the Wuppertal-based company was able to look forward to an increase in sales of over two million units. The Thermomix connected to the Internet is ...

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