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CTOs of German industry meet at Kuka on Industry 4.0 and the consequences for IP management

Which role will IP play as a competitive instrument for the German industry in digitalization and in the Internet of Things? How do technology companies in this country have to position themselves with their IP and IP management in a globalized race f ...

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62 billion € merger between Linde and Praxair. Linde’s head of IP explains in the MIPLM how IP is successfully presented to the board

The German gas company Linde and the direct US competitor Praxair reached an agreement in December on the merger. Linde’s head of IP Jacob Eisenberg reports at the master’s course in IP management at CEIPI in January in Strasbourg on how IP mana ...

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Patent management in the telecommunications industry is crucial for success – current study

An analysis by the University of Mannheim shows that systematic patent management in knowledge-intensive industries such as ITC leads to greater innovation success. The degree of professionalism in patent management and the existence of a documented p ...

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IP management in product development for Industry 4.0 at the Institute for Product Development (IPEK) with DIFI

In addition to the digitization of production, Industry 4.0 is also about the digitization of product development. What should be considered when networking and creating platforms? How does the interaction between product development and production ta ...

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The Thermomix’s secret of success: The look and feel is patented

The multifunctional kitchen machine Thermomix is a huge success for Vorwerk. In a single financial year, the Wuppertal-based company was able to look forward to an increase in sales of over two million units. The Thermomix connected to the Internet is ...

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