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Panel discussion with Airbus, ELMOS and Eisenführ-Speiser at EPO-LES Conference in Dublin: IP risks, compliance and management challenges for digital inventions

This conference, jointly held by European Patent Office (EPO) and the Licensing Executives Society (LESI) provided a platform for high-growth technology enterprises and others in their innovation ecosystem to learn about business strategy and IP manag ...

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Successful training at EPO-LES Conference in Dublin for disclosure of digital inventions

European Patent Office (EPO) together with Licensing Executives Society (LESI) provided a platform for high-growth technology enterprises and others in their innovation ecosystem to learn about business strategy and IP-Management on 4th to 5th of Nove ...

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CEO 365 FarmNet presents digitalization of the agricultural industry – IP design case study with Claas

On October 25th, Maximilian von Löbbecke presented Claas’ digitization strategy to more than 70 chief technology officers, CTOs and technical managers at the CTO autumn forum, based on the motto: “BigData without BigIdea is BigBullshit&#82 ...

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Bosch is building a new AI campus and is involved in IP design for digital patents

The 100 million € investment made by Bosch for its own AI campus in Tübingen shows how much AI skills are now viewed as a question of survival. The Internet of Things is changing the world at a dramatic rate. Bosch aims to play a leading role worldwid ...

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IP design webinar

On October 15 and 16, 2019, the Patents Conference took place in Vienna. In many interesting specialist lectures, topics such as the protection of digital business models in the construction industry with the case study Umdasch Group Ventures GmbH and ...

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Thyssenkrupp digitalized sales process: HoloLinc® with best practice in IP-Design for App protection

The HoloLens from Microsoft is an augmented reality or mixed reality device. Using multiple sensors, advanced optics, and holographic processing that melds seamlessly with its environment. These holograms can be used to display information, blend with ...

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Exchange of experience on Applied AI at Google with IP strategies for AI-based business models

On October 22nd, industry representatives met at Google with the applied AI initiative to exchange experiences on the use of artificial intelligence in digital business models and to discuss the current status of the use of IP in AI-based technologies.

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New research project at MIPLM: AI-based third-party rights analysis for digital business models

This MIPLM thesis deals with the possibilities of using artificial intelligence for a freedom to operate analysis for patents in the field of digital business models.

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Disney is reinventing itself in the digital eco-system and wants a direct access to its customers

The Walt Disney Company is currently a classic, global media giant with just under $ 60 billion in sales and over 200,000 employees, who has successfully mastered the first wave of digital Transformation. Something not every media company can say abou ...

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Will Airbus become the Google of the aviation industry? The aviation eco-system as an example of the digital transformation

The fight for data sovereignty and thus industrial added value from data is getting tougher and what is happening in the civil aviation industry can become a blueprint for many other industries, according to the German Federal Government. For some tim ...

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