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New research project at MIPLM: Valuation of FRAND License Rates

The objectives of fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (“FRAND”) licensing are to promote technology development and improve social benefits. There are a lot controversial issues in the interpretation and enforcement of FRAND commitments and the ca ...

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10 Years Anniversary of MIPLM and I3PM at WIPO with Trademark and Open Source Software Management and Career Opportunities for IP Managers

The celebration was held in the WIPO headquarters building in Geneva, at September 21, 2017. Distinguished speakers gave insights in current developments of trademark management, free & open source software (“FOSS”) challenges and education/career ...

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Thyssenkrupp: Building up effective IP coverage efficiently within an international engineering conglomerate

A lecture by Dr. Stephan Wolke, CEO thyssenkrupp Intellectual Property GmbH, on how the task of IP in the Thyssenkrupp Group ensures the ability to act in a business in a global context.

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Enrolment for Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management at CEIPI and Executive IP Management Days is open

CEIPI is the Center for International Property Studies in Europe. It’s a member of the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN). Within this network Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute at the University of London, Magi ...

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MIPLM cooperation with Japan Patent Office: Lecture on IP and M&A

Together with the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Master Program for Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM) developed teaching material on the issue of IP strategies and M&A.

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Case Study Presentation on IP-Management at MIPLM and Survey Results on Career Impact from MIPLM Graduates

With final case study presentations, oral exams and an official dinner, the MIPLM program 2016/2017 ended in June in Strasbourg. All participants passed their exams and were happy to celebrate their master degrees in IP Law and Management. The case st ...

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European Best Practice in IP-Management at Siemens SIPCon2017

Siemens is not only of the most active patent applicants in Germany, they are a leading company in digitalization. With approx. 80 bn. in revenues and a true global footprint, Siemens develops path breaking solutions in many fields of the digital tran ...

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Data protection and Industry 4.0 at Bosch: Dinner Speech at the MIPLM in Strasbourg

In Industry 4.0, the virtual, digital world grows together with the real world via data streams to form so-called “cyber-physical systems”. The interconnection takes place through information and communication systems, which are also embed ...

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National IP strategy for Austria to improve competence in IP management

Austria presented its national IP strategy. In addition to countries such as Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China and the USA, the Alpine republic is committed to the challenge of not only creating and securing intellectual property, but also using it ...

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Understanding the new role of IP management within the digital transformation in industry and commerce

More than 120 participants discussed the new challenges for management in the context of the digitization in Strasbourg. The revolutionary changes are affecting all institutions within innovation systems, like industries, universities and public insti ...

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